The vad function MATLAB code for pyBK implements speaker differentiation on a list of audio files by performing speaker binarization (speech segmentation and clustering in multi-speaker scenarios). The system utilizes a binary key background model (KBM), which is trained on conference data, eliminating the need for external training datasets. This results in a system that is easy to operate and adjust for speaker differentiation tasks. Additionally, the implementation includes useful features for the speaker digitization system pipeline. The code was developed and tested in Python 3.6 using conda, relying on common packages for audio processing, feature extraction, and speech activity detection. Installation steps:
1. $ conda create -n pyBK python=3.6
2. $ source activate pyBK
3. $ conda install numpy
4. $ conda install -c conda-forge librosa
5. $ pip install webrtcvad
6. $ git clone h...