microphone array

当前话题为您枚举了最新的 microphone array。在这里,您可以轻松访问广泛的教程、示例代码和实用工具,帮助您有效地学习和应用这些核心编程技术。查看页面下方的资源列表,快速下载您需要的资料。我们的资源覆盖从基础到高级的各种主题,无论您是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能找到有价值的信息。

Array.java 数组模拟
Matrix vs Array Operations in MATLAB
矩阵运算和数组运算的对照表: | 矩阵算法 | 数组算法 | 命令形式 | 功能含义 ||------------------|--------------------|--------------------|---------------------------------------|| A’ | A.’ | 求矩阵A的共轭转置 | 求数组A的非共轭转置 || x±A
Array Signal Applications A MATLAB Programming Guide
阵列信号的应用 • 雷达:相控阵天线系统、波束灵活控制、高分辨测向、干扰置零、成像(SAR/ISAR)• 移动通信:波束形成、抗多址干扰、空分多址(SDMA)• 声纳:水声工程、宽带阵列处理• 地震勘探:爆破、地震检测、地质层机构特征分析、探石油• 射电天文:定位、测向• 电子医疗工程:层析成像、医学成像
Multilinear Algebra in MATLAB Array Multiplication and Encoding
Using GCC-PHAT for Sound Source Localization in Linear Microphone Arrays with MATLAB
GCC-PHAT is a straightforward method for sound source localization. This MATLAB code allows angle localization of a sound source using a linear microphone array (with an example setup of 8 microphones). The code processes continuous sound signals (.wav format) captured by the array. Multiple sources
ACCESS函数详解 Abs函数 功能:Abs函数的主要功能是返回给定数值的绝对值,即去掉正负号后的值。 语法:Abs(number) 参数: number:必填参数,可以是任何有效的数值表达式。如果包含Null值则返回Null,若为未初始化变量则返回0。 示例: vba Dim x As Integer x = Abs(-10) ' x的值为10 x = Abs(10) ' x的值也为10 x = Abs(Null) ' x的值为Null Array函数 功能:Array函数用于创建一个数组,将一系列值赋给数组的各元素。 语法:Array(arglist) 参
javaTable Displaying 2D Cell Array Data in Java JTable with MATLAB
javaTable: This straightforward function allows you to display a 2D cell array of strings in a Java JTable, resembling a spreadsheet with scrollbars. By simply passing in the cell array, column names, and table name, a new Java window pops up to display the data, making it easier to view and interac
Reverb Time Calculator Estimating Reverberation Time from Multiple Microphone Records Using Time Log-MATLAB Development
The rt_script.m is the main program. It generates a text file and a PDF report to log the estimated reverberation time. Two measurement methods can be used: 1) Speaker On-Speaker Off Method, and 2) Balloon Burst Method. The documentation provides basic programs for both methods. It has been found th
Phase Interference Method 1D Phase Interference with Uniform Linear Array-MATLAB Development