The rt_script.m is the main program. It generates a text file and a PDF report to log the estimated reverberation time. Two measurement methods can be used: 1) Speaker On-Speaker Off Method, and 2) Balloon Burst Method. The documentation provides basic programs for both methods. It has been found that the Speaker On-Speaker Off Method is significantly more accurate than the Balloon Burst Method. The Balloon Burst Method tends to have over 50% error below 1000 Hz. The reverb_time.m calculates the reverberation time from the 1/3 octave band time logs. Time records of random test signals, generated by the script makelNHANESNoisesm_ed.m (also available on MATLAB Central File Exchange), are ideal for measuring reverberation time using the Speaker On-Speaker Off Method. The Balloon Burst Method can be used to process the same file multiple times to roughly estimate the reverberation time for each 1/3 octave band.