Reverberation Time Estimation

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Reverb Time Calculator Estimating Reverberation Time from Multiple Microphone Records Using Time Log-MATLAB Development
The rt_script.m is the main program. It generates a text file and a PDF report to log the estimated reverberation time. Two measurement methods can be used: 1) Speaker On-Speaker Off Method, and 2) Balloon Burst Method. The documentation provides basic programs for both methods. It has been found th
在DOA估计中,DML (deterministic ML) 和 SML (stochastic ML) 是两种重要的算法。相关内容可参考《空间谱估计理论与算法》第5章和《阵列信号处理及Matlab实现》第4章,这些章节中的求解函数与《空间谱》第5章的表达形式兼容并可成功运行。
Optimal State Estimation Errata In the realm of optimal state estimation, several key updates and corrections have been identified. It is crucial to pay attention to these errata for ensuring accurate modeling and estimation. The most common issues relate to incorrect assumptions about system dynami
Modern Spectral Estimation with Capon Algorithm in MATLAB
Simulation of Monopole Induced Currents in Reverberation Chambers and Open Fields(2012)
为了研究混响室和开阔场中电磁辐射敏感度测试的相关性, 采用电磁仿真软件FEKO分别建立混响室和开阔场的物理模型。在混响室和开阔场共同的工作频带(170 MHz到1GHz范围)内选取6个频点(200,350,500,650,800,950 MHz)。在每个频点, 对放入混响室和开阔场中一个电小尺寸的单极子天线上的感应电流和其所在位置的电场强度分别进行计算, 对计算所得数据进行统计分析。结果表明: 混响室和开阔场中单极子归一化感应电流具有很好的相关性。
Top NoSQL Time Series Databases Overview
Time Series Database (TSDB) is a database system specifically designed for efficiently storing, managing, and processing time series data. This type of data typically involves numerical values associated with specific timestamps, commonly found in monitoring, IoT, financial transactions, and operati
Verify Archive Parameter Settings Using Neural Networks for Direction of Arrival Estimation
(4) Start the database to MOUNT state. (5) Modify the database's archive mode (from non-archive to archive mode) SQL> alter database archive log; Database altered. (6) Open the database SQL> alter database open; Database altered. (7) Validate the correctness of archive parameter settings SQL> archiv
CS4319_Time-开源项目是由Tomy Le为陈平博士设计的数据挖掘开源软件。提供学习者和开发者探索、理解和应用数据挖掘技术的平台,鼓励协作与知识分享。项目核心包括数据挖掘的预处理、模式发现和后处理阶段,涉及时间序列分析、机器学习算法如监督学习和无监督学习,以及开源社区参与。支持Python编程,结合Pandas、Numpy、Scipy、Scikit-learn等库进行数据操作和机器学习。
Accelerating Real-Time Analytics with Spark and FPGAaaS
使用 Spark Streaming 进行实时分析 在当今数据驱动的世界里,实时数据分析变得至关重要。P.K. Gupta 和 Megh Computing 在 #HWCSAIS17 中提出了一种利用 Spark Streaming 结合 FPGA as a Service (FPGAaaS) 的技术来加速实时分析的方法。 Spark Streaming 用于实时分析 Spark Streaming 是 Apache Spark 的一个重要模块,它提供了对实时流数据处理的支持。通过微批处理的方式,Spark Streaming 能够高效地处理大量的流数据,并且能够与 Spark 的核心功能(如
Acycle Time Series Analysis Software for Research and Education
Acycle: Acycle是一个用于研究和教育的时间序列分析软件,提供强大的分析工具和用户友好的界面,适合学术研究和教学使用。