Audio Signal Processing

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Digital Signal Processing and MATLAB Implementation
Mathematical Signal Processing and MATLAB Implementation
Digital Signal Processing Toolbox for MATLAB
Digital Signal Processing and Spectrogram Analysis with MATLAB
语谱图实验介绍 左上角的图形框(the spectrum of the number)表示:输入的数字的频谱图; 左下角的图形框(yuputu)表示:连续输入的号码的语谱图; 右上角的图形框显示输入的数字; 右面中间的16个号码代表按键盘; “hangup”:表示“挂断电话”,同时将左上角的图形框(the spectrum of the number)和左下角的图形框(yuputu)清空; “recall”:表示“重播”,同时将上一次输入的一串号码数值显示(yuputu)中,并将上次号码的最后一个号码的频谱图显示在(the spectrum of the number)中。
Digital Signal Processing MATLAB Simulation Documentation
Digital Signal Processing and Its MATLAB Implementation
The Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and its MATLAB implementation involve using MATLAB language to describe and implement DSP algorithms. This process covers topics like filtering, sampling, and frequency analysis, all facilitated by MATLAB's extensive built-in functions and toolboxes. MATLAB is commonly used for simulating, analyzing, and processing digital signals efficiently, enabling users to apply mathematical models and visualize results in real time.
Current Directory Window in MATLAB for Digital Signal Processing
3) 当前工作目录窗口可以显示或改变当前目录,如图所示。 MATLAB 7.0的当前工作目录窗口功能强大,便于用户管理工作环境。
Signal Processing Analyzing Signals and Systems with Python and MATLAB
信号处理 是对 信号 的分析与操作,提取有用信息并提高系统性能。使用 Python 和 MATLAB,我们可以高效地处理和分析各种 信号 和 系统,实现从滤波到频谱分析的广泛应用。
The Discrete Time Signal Processing 2nd Edition focuses on the fundamental concepts of Discrete-Time Signal Processing and digital signal processing. This edition covers advanced topics like filter design, Fourier analysis, and sampling theory. Key algorithms for signal manipulation and transformations are explained in-depth, providing insights into both theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing.
Matlab Digital Signal Processing Unit Impulse Response Code Repository
Matlab单位脉冲响应代码数字信号处理代码。这是一个存储库,我在其中添加了用Matlab编写的DSP代码(没有内置函数)。我还在每个代码中进行了注释,以便对新手有所帮助。还使用库函数添加了交叉检查。包括的代码:基本信号、卷积、相关(交叉和自动)、DFT、IDFT、FIR滤波器响应、分治FFT、基数2 FFT。此存储库的结构:问题1绘制基本信号(单位脉冲、单位步长、单位斜坡、指数(所有a));问题2两个信号之间的线性卷积;问题3两个信号的互相关序列并交叉检查您的结果;问题4信号的自相关序列并交叉检查您的结果;问题5信号的离散傅立叶变换(DFT)并交叉检查您的结果;问题6信号的逆DFT (IDFT)并交叉检查您的结果;问题7对输入序列具有脉冲响应的FIR滤波器(使用DFT和IDFT);问题8使用分而治之的方法进行快速傅里叶变换(FFT),从而交叉检查您的结果;问题9使用Radix-2算法的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)和结果交叉检查来自不同代码的数字:基本信号、指数信号、卷。