PI Controller

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用于升压DC-DC转换器的闭环PI控制器。开关频率Fsw = 5000Hz和采样频率Fs = 100000(均保存在Model Workspace中)。负载电阻R = 20欧姆和Vin = 10V。L和C的设计宗旨是: C > D / (R * (dVo / Vo) * Fsw) L > (D * (1-D)^2 * R) / (2 * Fsw) 其中D从(D = 1 - (Vin / Vo))计算得出,且Vin = 10V,输出电压Vo = 80V,(dVo / Vo)= 0.01(代表Vo的1%波动)。 升压设计的参考资料可在教科书《电力电子》(作者:Daniel W. Hart)中找到。任何PID调节方法都可以用于此应用程序,例如Ziegler-Nichols方法或手动方法,如跟踪和误差调整。
Optimizing DC Motor Speed Controller with PI Tuning Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm in MATLAB
This process involves two model files. One is used for optimization, and the other is for the final use after optimization. You must run the 'Main_ImperialistCompetitiveAlgorithm.m' file for optimization. You can modify the parameter optimization range by changing the [varmin] and [varmax] matrices in the 'Main_ImperialistCompetitiveAlgorithm.m' file. After obtaining the optimized PI controller parameters, you can input them into the 'dc_motor_speed_controller_final' model to observe the motor speed response. A signal generator acts as the reference speed profile, with three signals in total. The second signal is used for optimization purposes. If you need to modify the reference signal for optimization, you must also change the cost function. The [n] matrix and [input] matrix must be adjusted, and the indices will also change. Please refer to the cost function. The cost function consists of a set of metrics, including total integral error, settling time, rise time, and overshoot. Priorities are assigned to these parameters—for example, rise time and settling time are considered more critical than overshoot and error. If adjustments are needed, you must update the cost function accordingly.
Matlab开发 - 防风反馈控制器 Simulink块。此Simulink块包含一个具有防上卷功能的PID控制器。
Self-Correcting Regulator Controller Simulation in MATLAB Simulink
在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨自校正调节器控制器在MATLAB Simulink中的仿真。通过自校正控制技术,可以有效地调节系统的动态响应,使系统自动适应变化并提升性能。以下是仿真步骤: 1. 初始化模型- 打开MATLAB Simulink,新建项目文件并加载必要模块。- 设置输入和输出参数,使系统初步适应基本控制要求。 2. 配置自校正调节器模块- 在Simulink库中添加自校正控制模块,并对其参数进行详细设置。- 配置调节器的反馈路径,以确保控制器能够实时响应。 3. 运行仿真并分析结果- 启动仿真过程,实时监测系统动态响应。- 观察并记录控制输出的变化趋势,分析控制器的自校正效果。 通过以上步骤,您可以有效地模拟并优化自校正调节器控制器的性能,使系统更加稳定和高效。
Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics ABS/TCS Controller Subsystem Development in MATLAB
纵向车辆动力学: 车辆在牵引或制动下的纵向动力学 - ABS/TCS控制器子系统
Euler's Formula for Pi Calculation in MATLAB
欧拉公式求圆周率的MATLAB代码 项目欧拉是一个包含具有挑战性的数学与计算机编程问题的系列。这些问题不仅需要数学知识,还要求使用编程技巧来解决。通过解决这些问题,参与者将能够探索新的领域并学习新概念。 目标受众包括那些希望通过实际问题来加深数学理解的学生和成年人,以及希望在专业领域内保持解决问题能力的从业人员。 文件结构 上层文件夹: Eu项目Euler- #number: 问题名称(例如:Euler项目#1:3和5的倍数)↳ programming_language_name.extension 例子 通过解决问题,参与者将获得新的概念,推动后续问题的解决。
Plug-in Direct Particle Swarm Repetitive Controller An Innovative Approach to Process Control