Due to the increasing use of power electronic devices in power regulation, the quality of power systems has been deteriorating. As a solution, passive shunt filters are used to suppress harmonics in these systems. This is achieved through a Simulink model design and implementation, where the passive harmonic filter effectively mitigates the effects of harmonics in the power system.
Passive Harmonic Filter for Power System Harmonic Suppression MATLAB Simulink Model Design and Implementation
Student Dormitory Management System Design and Implementation
Design and Implementation of a Student Performance Analysis System
随着高等教育的迅速发展,高校扩招导致学生规模的大幅增加,随之产生的学生成绩数据也急剧增长。如何从海量的学生成绩数据中提取有用信息,为教育决策提供支持,成为了教育管理部门亟待解决的问题。数据挖掘技术正是为了解决这一问题而应运而生的,它能够通过模式提取技术,从大量数据中发现隐藏的规律或数据间的关系,进而分析和提取有用的知识。数据挖掘技术在商业、医学等领域的成功应用,引起了教育管理领域的广泛关注。数据挖掘在教育管理中的应用主要集中在三个方面:首先是通过对学生成绩数据的挖掘,找出影响学生总体成绩的关键学科,通过加强对这些关键学科的教学管理,提高学生的关键学科成绩,从而间接促进其他学科成绩的提升;其次是通过对学生选课数据的挖掘,分析影响选课的因素,为科学合理的制定培养计划提供依据,并指导学生进行课程选择;最后是通过对学生就业数据的挖掘,揭示影响学生就业的关键因素,为就业指导提供决策支持。文章中提到,现阶段数据挖掘在教育行业的应用尚不成熟,专门用于高校学生成绩分析的数据挖掘软件还未出现。因此,本课题的目标是建立一个针对学生成绩的数据挖掘分析系统,以对高校本科生四年学制内的各科考试成绩进行全面分析,解决上述问题。为了实现这一目标,采用了软件工程中常用的瀑布式开发模型来设计和实现学生成绩分析系统,并遵循了CRISP-DM(Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining,跨行业标准流程数据挖掘)标准流程来完成建模和模型解释。CRISP-DM是一个广泛认可的数据挖掘过程模型,该模型被划分为六个阶段:业务理解、数据准备、建模、评估和部署。按照这一流程,开发者能够系统地进行数据挖掘项目,从确定业务目标开始,直至最终的模型部署与监控。文章还提及,通过学生成绩数据的挖掘,本研究发现了两个重要结论:一是发现了相似学生的分群现象,这意味着可以通过学生的学习成绩对学生的群体进行有效分类,从而实施个性化的教学和管理;二是揭示了部分课程之间存在的相互依赖关系和相似关系,这有助于课程安排和教学内容的优化。在技术实现方面,学生成绩分析系统需要运用多种数据挖掘技术,例如聚类(Clustering)和关联规则(Association Rules)分析。聚类分析是一种无监督学习方法,它可以根据数据的相似性将对象划分到不同的组或“簇”中,使得同一个簇内的对象之
Simulink 的 QAM 包括 调制解调 和 载波调制解调 的一整套系统,能够实现信号的发送和接收过程。通过 QAM 技术,系统能够同时传输多个信息流,提高频谱利用效率。其工作流程涉及到 调制 和 解调 两个关键步骤,通常用于高效的数字通信系统中。
Matlab Code for Boundary-GP Constrained Gaussian Processes with Variational Harmonic Features
在论文《知道边界:通过变分谐波特征约束高斯过程》(Arno Solin 和 Manon Kok,2019)中,介绍了一种用于约束高斯过程(GP)的新方法,该方法通过在傅立叶式广义谐波特征表示下处理边界条件,同时保持推理的低秩特性。这种方法可以在复杂的边界条件下应用GP模型,并通过变分推断来处理非高斯似然。
该研究在第22届国际人工智能与统计会议(AISTATS 2019)中展示,应用于一个具有硬决策边界的香蕉分类数据集,展现了增加归纳特征数量的效果。每个窗格中,彩色点代表训练数据,决策边界为黑线,最外面的线是预定义的硬决策边界。
RLS Adaptive Filter Implementation in MATLAB
This is the code for implementing the RLS adaptive algorithm filter. The RLS (Recursive Least Squares) algorithm is widely used in adaptive filtering applications. Below is the MATLAB implementation of the RLS adaptive filter which helps in understanding the core concepts of adaptive filtering and recursive algorithms.
% MATLAB code for RLS adaptive filter
N = 1000; % Number of filter coefficients
M = 32; % Filter order
lambda = 0.99; % Forgetting factor
delta = 10; % Initialization constant
% Initialize filter coefficients and variables
w = zeros(M, 1); % Filter weights
P = delta * eye(M); % Inverse correlation matrix
% Simulate the input signal and desired output
x = randn(N, 1); % Input signal
d = filter([1, -0.9], 1, x); ?sired signal
% RLS adaptive filtering loop
for n = M+1:N
x_n = x(n:-1:n-M+1); % Input vector
e = d(n) - w' * x_n; % Error signal
k = P * x_n / (lambda + x_n' * P * x_n); % Gain vector
w = w + k * e; % Update weights
P = (P - k * x_n' * P) / lambda; % Update inverse correlation matrix
% Display results
figure; plot(d, 'b'); hold on; plot(filter(w, 1, x), 'r');
legend('Desired', 'Filtered Output');
This code illustrates how to apply the RLS adaptive filter to adjust its coefficients to minimize the error between the desired signal and the filter output.
PowerBuilder-Based Student Grade Management System Design and Implementation
PowerBuilder-Based Student Grade Management System Design and Implementation
I. System Overview
With the advancement of information technology, the digitization of the education sector has gained increasing attention. The Student Grade Management System is a typical MIS (Management Information System) aimed at efficiently managing student grades using computer technology. This paper presents the development process of a PowerBuilder-based student grade management system. The system uses PowerBuilder 9.0 as the frontend development tool and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the backend database, enabling efficient management of student, course, teacher, and grade data.
II. System Functionality Requirements
The development of the Student Grade Management System must meet the following functional requirements:1. Database setup and maintenance: Establish a database with high consistency, integrity, and security to ensure accurate data.2. Frontend application development: Provide a feature-rich, user-friendly interface that allows users to easily perform various operations.
III. System Architecture and Design
The key functional modules in system design are as follows:1. User Login Module: Supports different user levels—students, teachers, and administrators. Students and teachers can query grades, while administrators have more comprehensive access, such as database maintenance.2. System Maintenance Module: Provides system initialization features to recover the system in case of issues.3. Basic Information Maintenance Module: Allows administrators to manage basic data such as classes, students, and courses.4. Database Management Module: Supports database backup and restoration.5. Grade Management Module: Designed for administrators to enter, delete, and modify grades.6. Student Grade Query Module: Supports personal, class, and departmental grade queries.7. Teacher Grade Query Module: Includes functions for single-subject and parallel class grade analysis.8. Report and Statistics Module: Provides functionality for generating and printing grade reports, as well as displaying statistical charts.
IV. Database Design
During the database design phase, the main entities and their relationships are clearly defined:1. Entity Design: The system involves entities such as students, teachers, courses, classes, departments, and users.2. Entity Relationships: The system defines many-to-many relationships between students and grades, teachers and grades, as well as one-to-many relationships between students and classes, and classes and departments.
V. System Implementation
PowerBuilder 9.0: PowerBuilder is used as the frontend development tool, providing powerful GUI design capabilities and rich features for building the user interface.
Matlab Implementing Car Model with Unscented Kalman Filter
Matlab建立汽车模型代码无味卡尔曼滤波器项目作者:克里斯·冈德林,自动驾驶汽车工程师。项目依赖:cmake >= 3.5, make >= 4.1, gcc/g++ >= 5.4。基本构建说明:克隆这个repo,在构建目录编译:cmake .. && make,然后运行:./UnscentedKF path/to/input.txt path/to/output.txt。您可以在data/目录中找到一些示例输入。例如:./UnscentedKF ../data/sample-laser-radar-measurement-data-1.txt output.txt。该项目提供了两个不同的行人跟踪数据集,包含激光和雷达测量。目标是创建一个无迹卡尔曼滤波器,使用CTRV运动模型预测行人位置,并融合来自激光和雷达测量的数据以更新位置。过滤器的跟踪路径、RMSE与地面实况的比较以及NIS一致性将在后续部分展示。我创建了一个Matlab脚本(./data/PlottingTool_UKF3.m)来可视化结果。结果表明,与实际数据的比较效果良好。
fs = 1000; % 采样频率
f1 = 100; % 通带下限频率
f2 = 200; % 通带上限频率
N = 50; % 滤波器阶数
b = fir1(N, [f1 f2]/(fs/2), 'bandpass');
freqz(b, 1, 512, fs); % 绘制频率响应
Photovoltaic Power Generation Simulation Model
The photovoltaic power generation simulation model includes valuable foreign-language materials that help in learning the entire process of photovoltaic power generation. This model is ideal for delving into the underlying mechanisms of photovoltaic systems and understanding their practical applications in real-world settings.