PowerBuilder-Based Student Grade Management System Design and Implementation
I. System Overview
With the advancement of information technology, the digitization of the education sector has gained increasing attention. The Student Grade Management System is a typical MIS (Management Information System) aimed at efficiently managing student grades using computer technology. This paper presents the development process of a PowerBuilder-based student grade management system. The system uses PowerBuilder 9.0 as the frontend development tool and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the backend database, enabling efficient management of student, course, teacher, and grade data.
II. System Functionality Requirements
The development of the Student Grade Management System must meet the following functional requirements:
1. Database setup and maintenance: Establish a database with high consistency, integrity, and security to ensure accurate data.
2. Frontend application development: Provide a feature-rich, user-friendly interface that allows users to easily perform various operations.
III. System Architecture and Design
The key functional modules in system design are as follows:
1. User Login Module: Supports different user levels—students, teachers, and administrators. Students and teachers can query grades, while administrators have more comprehensive access, such as database maintenance.
2. System Maintenance Module: Provides system initialization features to recover the system in case of issues.
3. Basic Information Maintenance Module: Allows administrators to manage basic data such as classes, students, and courses.
4. Database Management Module: Supports database backup and restoration.
5. Grade Management Module: Designed for administrators to enter, delete, and modify grades.
6. Student Grade Query Module: Supports personal, class, and departmental grade queries.
7. Teacher Grade Query Module: Includes functions for single-subject and parallel class grade analysis.
8. Report and Statistics Module: Provides functionality for generating and printing grade reports, as well as displaying statistical charts.
IV. Database Design
During the database design phase, the main entities and their relationships are clearly defined:
1. Entity Design: The system involves entities such as students, teachers, courses, classes, departments, and users.
2. Entity Relationships: The system defines many-to-many relationships between students and grades, teachers and grades, as well as one-to-many relationships between students and classes, and classes and departments.
V. System Implementation
- PowerBuilder 9.0: PowerBuilder is used as the frontend development tool, providing powerful GUI design capabilities and rich features for building the user interface.