The HowarthsTransformation.m file provides a framework for solving boundary layer problems using the Howarth's Transformation. The function takes the following parameters:
y3y5_0 = HowarthsTransformation(rhofun, miufun, hw, M, Pr, Gamma, y3y5_0guess), with default values:
- rhofun = @(h) h^(-1)
- miufun = @(h) h^(2/3)
- hw = 2
- M = 0
- Pr = 0.7
- Gamma = 1.4
- y3y5_0guess = [0.1; 2]
Example 1: y3y5_0 = HowarthsTransformation() (using only the default values);
Example 2: y3y5_0 = HowarthsTransformation with custom input parameters.
For more details, please refer to the Wikipedia page on Howarth's transformation: