The FLO MATLAB code is a tool designed for tracking airflow with detectable tracers. The tracer used in our lab is a laser-illuminated bubble. The code processes videos captured of airflow with the tracers, and traces the trajectory of the bubbles. This allows you to determine various parameters such as the velocity of the airflow at different locations and the curvature of the flow. To run the code, simply add the FLO directory to your MATLAB path. Then, run the script BT_Driver located in the FLO/src/processingFiles/ folder. To modify the video or change the parameters, adjust the values in the script. After running BT_Driver, the processed data will be stored in the workspace variable S. To view the tracks found by the script, use the command plotTracks(S, frameNumber, 1);. Here, S is the variable created by BT_Driver. To see the position of each bubble in the video, run the following: cen = allCentriod(S); plot(cen(:,1), cen(:,2), '.');. For a density map of the bubbles detected in the video, use: imagesc(bin2d(cen, binSize, [vidDimX, vidDimY])); colorbar();.