

area.sql 文件说明
该 SQL 文件包含了实现无线级联动省市县功能的数据库表结构和数据。
省市区县数据:area.sql 文件解析
area.sql 文件解读 该 SQL 文件包含了创建省份数据表(province)及其初始数据的语句。 1. 数据表结构 province 表包含以下字段: id:省份 ID,主键,自增 name:省份名称 pid:父级 ID,默认为 0(表示顶级省份) 2. 示例数据 文件中包含部分省份数据,例如: 北京市 (id=82) 天津市 (id=83) 河北省 (id=84) ... 文件可能还包含其他数据表以及市级、区县级的数据,用于实现省市区县联动功能。
INSERT INTO area 表中添加台湾地区及其各级行政区域信息。以下是插入语句的内容: INSERT INTO `area` (`id`, `pid`, `name`, `level`) VALUES (830000, NULL, '台灣省', 1); -- 台湾各地市级行政区插入 INSERT INTO `area` (`id`, `pid`, `name`, `level`) VALUES (830100000, 830000, '臺北市', 2), (830200000, 830000, '基隆市', 2), (830300000, 830000, '新北市', 2), (830400000, 830000, '桃園市', 2), (830500000, 830000, '新竹市', 2), (830600000, 830000, '新竹縣', 2), (830700000, 830000, '苗栗縣', 2), (830800000, 830000, '臺中市', 2), (830900000, 830000, '彰化縣', 2), (831000, 830000, '南投縣', 2), (831100000, 830000, '雲林縣', 2), (831200000, 830000, '嘉義市', 2), (831300000, 830000, '嘉義縣', 2), (831400000, 830000, '臺南市', 2), (831500000, 830000, '高雄市', 2), (831600000, 830000, '屏東縣', 2), (831700000, 830000, '宜蘭縣', 2), (831800000, 830000, '花蓮縣', 2), (831900000, 830000, '臺東縣', 2), (832000, 830000, '澎湖縣', 2), (832100000, 830000, '金門縣', 2), (832200000, 830000, '連江縣', 2); -- 臺北市行政区插入 INSERT INTO `area` (`id`, `pid`, `name`, `level`) VALUES (830101000, 830100000, '中正區', 3), (830102000, 830100000, '大同區', 3), (830103000, 830100000, '中山區', 3), (830104000, 830100000, '松山區', 3), (830105000, 830100000, '大安區', 3), (830106000, 830100000, '信義區', 3);
Generate Top 3Products by Area in MySQL
In the MySQL database, the area_top3_product table contains several key fields for tracking top products by area. Here’s a breakdown of each field: task_id: Unique identifier for the specific task associated with each entry. area_level: Classification of the geographical area, which may range from broader regions to smaller locales. product_id: The unique identifier for each product. city_names: List of cities where the product was clicked or interacted with. click_count: Total number of clicks received by the product in a specific area. product_name: Name of the product. product_status: Current availability status of the product. These fields collectively enable the analysis of top-performing products in various areas based on click count and provide insights into geographical product popularity.
Simpson's Rule Demonstration Parabolas for Area Approximation in MATLAB
本演示展示辛普森规则中使用的抛物线,描绘积分范围内的函数以及用于近似其下方区域的抛物线。函数接受以下参数:- f:变量中的函数- I:一个1x2的向量,表示积分范围- m:用于创建m条抛物线的点数。 输出包括函数f在范围I内的图形以及将用于近似f下方面积的m条抛物线。
MATLAB Code for Cross Sectional Area Analysis from Time Series Data in Excel
This MATLAB code imports time-series data related to riverbank and water depth coordinates in XY format, sampled every 10 minutes. The code calculates the cross-sectional area for each water depth and writes the following data to an Excel file: Date/Time, Water Depth, and the cross-sectional area for each water depth.
China National Urban Area Data Provincial, Municipal, and District Levels (2018/05/07)
This dataset provides China National Urban Area Data organized at provincial, municipal, and district levels as of 2018/05/07. This compilation facilitates regional analysis across various administrative levels, allowing users to gain insights into the geographical and administrative structures. The data encompasses comprehensive information across different city regions, making it a valuable resource for demographic and urban studies.
用于 Oracle 数据库的 PL/SQL 语句,帮助记住简单的数据库操作,无需使用存储过程。
SQL Server实验五的内容涉及在SQL Server中进行高级查询和数据操作。学生将学习如何编写复杂的SQL查询语句,以及如何有效地管理和操作数据库中的数据。实验五帮助学生提升其SQL技能,通过实际操作加深对数据库管理系统的理解。