variable scale detection

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Dynamic Template Matching with Variable Scale in MATLAB
Simple Template Matching with Variable Image Template Ratio: In this process, we aim to locate the template Itm (binary image) within the Is (grayscale image) using a canny edge-detected version of Is. The template matching method accommodates scaling, meaning the template size doesn't have to match
MATLAB Development Variable Width Histogram
MATLAB development - variable width histogram. This tool allows for the creation of flexible histograms that adjust based on the underlying data distribution, enhancing data visualisation and analysis.
Image Detection Finger Tip Capture and Detection with MATLAB Code
MATLAB Development Iterating a Variable Using the GNewton Method
MATLAB Development - Using the GNewton Method to iterate a variable. The programme iterates given values of a function that intersects the x-axis.
W-kMeans算法详解 W-kMeans算法是一种基于K-Means算法的变体,解决变量选择问题。该算法通过引入新的步骤,自动计算变量权重,从而提高聚类的准确性和效率。 W-kMeans算法的基本原理 W-kMeans算法的核心思想是引入变量权重的概念,根据数据的分布情况动态调整变量的权重。该算法的基本步骤如下: 初始化中心点和变量权重 根据当前的聚类结果和变量权重,计算每个样本点所属的聚类 根据聚类结果,更新中心点和变量权重 重复步骤2-3,直到聚类结果收敛 变量权重的计算 在W-kMeans算法中,变量权重的计算基于当前的聚类结果和数据分布情况。具体来说,变量权重可以通过以下公式计算
Skeleton Endpoints and Intersections Detection in MATLAB
Image Edge Detection Techniques in Matlab
整理了几个常用的 Matlab 处理图像 边沿 的算法,包括 Canny 边缘检测、Sobel 算子和 Prewitt 算子等。每种方法都有其独特的优缺点,适用于不同的图像处理场景。
Harris Corner Detection Using MATLAB
This is a Harris corner detection program written in MATLAB. You can give it a try to detect keypoints in images based on the Harris corner detection method.
Matlab Otsu Algorithm Code for Mouse Detection
Face Detection in Static Images Using MATLAB