This document discusses the design of a voice recognition control system based on PC and the Sunplus SPCE061A microcontroller. The system leverages the powerful computing capabilities of the PC and integrates them with the embedded functionalities of the SPCE061A to achieve real-time voice control. Key components of the system include speech signal processing, data transmission, and hardware-software interaction between the PC and the microcontroller. The design ensures accuracy, reliability, and scalability in voice-based applications, allowing for seamless integration with various devices for automation and control tasks.
Voice Recognition Control System Design Based on PC and Sunplus SPCE061A Microcontroller
PowerBuilder-Based Student Grade Management System Design and Implementation
PowerBuilder-Based Student Grade Management System Design and Implementation
I. System Overview
With the advancement of information technology, the digitization of the education sector has gained increasing attention. The Student Grade Management System is a typical MIS (Management Information System) aimed at efficiently managing student grades using computer technology. This paper presents the development process of a PowerBuilder-based student grade management system. The system uses PowerBuilder 9.0 as the frontend development tool and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the backend database, enabling efficient management of student, course, teacher, and grade data.
II. System Functionality Requirements
The development of the Student Grade Management System must meet the following functional requirements:1. Database setup and maintenance: Establish a database with high consistency, integrity, and security to ensure accurate data.2. Frontend application development: Provide a feature-rich, user-friendly interface that allows users to easily perform various operations.
III. System Architecture and Design
The key functional modules in system design are as follows:1. User Login Module: Supports different user levels—students, teachers, and administrators. Students and teachers can query grades, while administrators have more comprehensive access, such as database maintenance.2. System Maintenance Module: Provides system initialization features to recover the system in case of issues.3. Basic Information Maintenance Module: Allows administrators to manage basic data such as classes, students, and courses.4. Database Management Module: Supports database backup and restoration.5. Grade Management Module: Designed for administrators to enter, delete, and modify grades.6. Student Grade Query Module: Supports personal, class, and departmental grade queries.7. Teacher Grade Query Module: Includes functions for single-subject and parallel class grade analysis.8. Report and Statistics Module: Provides functionality for generating and printing grade reports, as well as displaying statistical charts.
IV. Database Design
During the database design phase, the main entities and their relationships are clearly defined:1. Entity Design: The system involves entities such as students, teachers, courses, classes, departments, and users.2. Entity Relationships: The system defines many-to-many relationships between students and grades, teachers and grades, as well as one-to-many relationships between students and classes, and classes and departments.
V. System Implementation
PowerBuilder 9.0: PowerBuilder is used as the frontend development tool, providing powerful GUI design capabilities and rich features for building the user interface.
Feedback Control Systems MATLAB Implementation and Control System Toolbox
介绍:本书基本上与自控教材对应,主要讲MATLAB实现。如果你是个动手实干的人,那么本书适合你。书中内容涵盖了:- 传递函数、基于传递函数的各种响应- 方框图、状态空间模型- 根轨迹、频域分析、系统性能分析- PID控制、频率响应设计、状态空间设计
Face Recognition System Using MATLAB with GUI
KNN Gesture Recognition Using MATLAB-Inertial Gesture Recognition Based on Mobile Phones
为了促进对此主题的研究,向公众提供了源代码和数据库。指示在MATLAB中运行“ HMM.m”脚本。在MATLAB中运行“ SVM.m”脚本(需要libsvm)。在MATLAB中运行“ KNN.m”脚本。“ struct.mat”存储预先计算的数据。
笔记:如果使用数据库,请引用:谢春雨,栾尚珍,王海南,张宝昌:基于手机的手势识别基准。CCBR 2016:432-440。联系张宝昌。
Simulink 的 QAM 包括 调制解调 和 载波调制解调 的一整套系统,能够实现信号的发送和接收过程。通过 QAM 技术,系统能够同时传输多个信息流,提高频谱利用效率。其工作流程涉及到 调制 和 解调 两个关键步骤,通常用于高效的数字通信系统中。
Design and Implementation of Workflow Systems Based on Relational Databases
数据存储: 工作流系统的数据模型设计是关键,通常采用关系型数据库来存储工作流定义、实例状态、任务状态等信息。
事务处理: 通过关系数据库的事务特性确保工作流中各环节操作的原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性(ACID)。
查询优化: 利用SQL查询语言的强大功能,快速检索工作流实例的状态信息,支持业务决策。
状态机模型: 工作流引擎的核心是状态机模型,定义了任务或步骤之间的转换规则。
活动定义: 活动构成工作流的基本单元,包括任务、事件、网关等。
事件驱动: 工作流引擎通常采用事件驱动方式触发执行,例如任务完成或时间到达等。
图形化设计工具: 提供直观的界面帮助用户设计工作流,支持拖拽式操作。
版本控制: 对工作流定义进行版本管理,便于回溯和维护。
动态调整: 运行时可根据实际情况动态调整工作流逻辑。
索引策略: 合理设计表结构和索引以提高查询效率。
缓存机制: 使用缓存减少数据库访问频率,提高响应速度。
分布式部署: 在高并发场景下,采用分布式部署分散负载,提高系统整体吞吐量。
权限管理: 实现细粒度权限控制,确保用户只能访问被授权数据。
数据加密: 敏感数据传输和存储过程应加密处理,防止泄露。
审计日志: 记录重要操作,用于问题追踪和责任认定。
插件化设计: 通过插件支持不同集成需求,如消息服务、文件管理等。
自定义脚本: 允许用户编写脚本扩展工作流功能,增加系统灵活性。
Library Management System Detailed Design Documentation
Library Management System Detailed Design Documentation utilizes Visual Basic as the front-end application development tool, with Access as the back-end database, running on the Windows 2000 platform. The entire system is built using Microsoft’s operating systems and development tools, ensuring consistency, integrity, and ease of use for the application. As a typical information management system, the goal is to enhance the efficiency of managing and circulating library resources through computer technology.
System Components:
User Management Module:
Provides functionalities like user login, password modification, and security features. For instance, the system exits automatically after three failed login attempts.
Algorithm descriptions are created using PAD diagrams to ensure secure user authentication.
Library Business Data Flow:
Analyzes the data flow through Data Flow Diagrams to clarify input, processing, storage, and output, ensuring information flow logic.
Functional Module Design:
Includes core subsystems such as book borrowing, user management, and book information maintenance. Each module has distinct functions and relationships, such as loan rules, maintenance, and report generation.
Access Control:
Implements high-level access control with database security authentication, enabling user creation and permission distribution.
Custom access levels for different users like students and teachers, e.g., teachers can access restricted information views, ensuring data privacy.
Through this design, the Library Management System supports library operations effectively, enhances information management, and meets user needs across multiple user types. It is also scalable to accommodate future demands.
Library Management System Course Design Overview
Library Management System Course Design
The Library Management System is a widely used IT project aimed at teaching students the principles and techniques of software engineering, particularly in the development of information management systems. The project requires the use of Visual Studio 2003/2005 as the development platform, and SQL Server 2000 as the database. Students will need to master the use of SQL queries, table creation, and data management. The system also utilizes ADO.NET for connecting to the database and managing data exchanges.
Key functions to be implemented include:
User Management: Registration, login, and permission control for administrators and regular users.
Book Information Management: Adding, editing, and deleting book details like ISBN, title, author, and publisher.
Borrow and Return Management: Handling borrowing, renewing, and returning books, as well as tracking their availability status.
Search Features: Searching books by title, author, and category.
Statistical Analysis: Analyzing the borrowing frequency and most popular books.
Error Handling: Managing issues like overdue books and lost items.
Through this project, students will experience all phases of the software development lifecycle such as requirement analysis, system design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Proper documentation, including requirement and design documents, along with version control (e.g., SVN or Git) and unit testing (e.g., NUnit), is also essential.