The Matlab code sqrt generates initial phase values for networks, stored in the file 'initial_phases.txt'. These values are evenly distributed between -pi and pi, and can be adjusted to fall between -val and val. The file '' contains Python 3 code to generate two types of networks: ER random and scale-free. The function erdos_renyi_graph() from networkx generates random graphs by using the network size (N), the connection probability (N/k), and a unique seed value for each graph. Similarly, the function Barabasi_Albert_graph() creates scale-free networks with a specified network size (N) and a number of connections per new node (k/2), utilizing a preferential attachment algorithm. Each generated graph must have a distinct seed value to ensure uniqueness. The Omega values are generated using the randn() function, which produces N values with a mean of 0 and variance of 1. Further adjustments to these values are made using the formula: value = sqrt(variance) * randn() + mean. Finally, the file 'data_gener' contains additional data generation procedures.