该代码库包含用于复现实验的Matlab数据输入代码,实现概率顺序矩阵分解。使用所述方法或此代码库中的代码进行工作应引用原论文。例如,可使用以下BibTeX条目: @inproceedings { akyildiz2021probabilistic , title = { Probabilistic Sequential Matrix Factorization } , author = { {\"O}mer Deniz Akyildiz and Gerrit J. {van den Burg} and Theodoros Damoulas and Mark F. J. Steel } , booktitle = { Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics } , editor = { Banerjee, Arindam and Fukumizu, Kenji } , pages = { 3484--3492 } , volume = { 130 } , series = { Proceedings of Machine Learning Research } , month = { Apr } , year = { 2021 } , publisher = { PMLR } } 。