Travel Behavior
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Gibbs Sampling MATLAB Code for Travel Behavior Anomaly Modeling
介绍的吉布斯采样 MATLAB 代码主要用于估计2D单工LDA模型,专注于时空和旅行行为特征。主要的计算成本源于根据多项式分布生成单词-主题分配z。为提高计算速度,提供了两个混合函数mnrnd_mex.c和mnrnd_mex_noscale.c。使用mnrnd_mex与MATLAB中的mnrnd相同,而mnrnd_mex_noscale可接受未按比例分配的输入,例如,mnrnd_mex_noscale([1,2,3,4])等价于mnrnd_mex([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4])。
Android-Travel-Application Explore Your Travel Needs with Android Integration
Android Travel Application: This application is an Android-based travel app. Users can log in/register on the application, and their information is stored in Firebase, a cloud-based NoSQL database. Upon logging in, users are directed to their profile page, where they can view their personal registration information and upload a profile picture using the device's built-in Camera app. Users can select a country and retrieve information about it compared to their current location. For instance, they can obtain information about the chosen country, search for flights to the specified country, use a currency conversion calculator, or view a map of the selected location. These services are provided by online REST APIs, such as Google Maps API and