DNA Design

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Fortran to MATLAB Programmatic Eulerian Routing for DNA Design with PERDIX
PERDIX (P rogrammed Eulerian Routing for DNA Design using X-overs) is a new, free, and open-source software package written in FORTRAN 90/95 that automates the conversion of 2D computer-generated design files into DNA sequences. These sequences can then be synthesized and mixed to create high-fidelity folded structures based on DNA DX in a 2D lattice framework. The software features a pure Fortran library designed for automated sequence design with support for the GEO (PERDIX's geometric file format) or other input formats for precise edge-length designs of asymmetric and irregular shapes. It provides an intuitive text-based user interface (TUI) suitable for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, offering 24 predefined target geometric shapes for editing stapled paths and sequences with 3D visual output.
PHYLIP DNA简约算法GUIPHYLIP 3.6中DNA简约算法的图形用户界面
这个软件包是Phylip 3.6中dnapars.exe的修改版本,原先的版本使用菜单设置参数,我改为了命令行驱动的mbetoolbox_dnapars.exe,并为其构建了MATLAB接口。在MATLAB中,只需设置路径后,您可以轻松地运行mbetoolbox_dnapars。输入文件应为Phylip格式的对齐DNA序列,命名为“infile”。更多关于Phyip包的信息,请参考:http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html。
比较了水生微生物生态学中两种广泛使用的DNA提取方法:苯酚-氯仿法和PowerSoil DNA分离试剂盒。研究评估这两种方法在社区生态学分析中的适用性和效果。尽管OTU数量较少,但这些方法对社区结构的影响显著,且它们的结果差异显著,不可相提并论。文章提供了用于统计分析的脚本,并包含了相关数据集的SRA登录号在NCBI数据库中。
Database Design Fundamentals
This ebook provides a foundational understanding of database design principles. Geared towards beginners, it explores core concepts using accessible language and practical examples. Readers will gain insights into data modeling, relational databases, and best practices for building efficient and scalable databases.
Gradient Design Resources
This archive contains resources related to gradient design.
Denormalized Design in Database Management
非规范化设计 规范化的最终产物是一系列相关的表,这些表构成了数据库。但有时候,为了得到简单的输出,你得连接多个表,这影响了查询的性能。在这种情况下,更明智的做法是引入一定程度的冗余,包括引入额外的列或额外的表。为了提高性能,在表中故意引入冗余的做法称为非规范化。 考虑非规范化的情况 大量频繁的查询过程涉及的表都需要进行连接。 主要的应用程序在执行时要将表连接起来进行查询。 对数据的计算需要临时表或进行复杂的查询。
本代码库提供基于MATLAB的非参数化模型,用于预测嗜酸嗜热菌DNA结合蛋白HTa的结合位点。该模型利用LASSO回归算法,并结合MNase-seq数据进行峰值检测和评分,进而评估HTa蛋白在不同基因组区域的结合差异。 代码使用方法: 运行LASSO_Input_file_generation.R脚本生成LASSO模型的输入文件。 使用MATLAB R2018a版本运行AH_LASSO_script.m脚本,输入步骤1生成的模型文件,得到LASSO模型系数。 运行LASSO_output_file_generation.R脚本,输入步骤2得到的模型系数以及计算得到的Kmers丰度,生成最终的预测结果。 运行Peak_detection_and_scoring_on_indep_bwFile.R脚本,利用Bioconductor NucleR包对不同MNase-seq数据进行峰值检测和评分,并计算其相对不对称性,用于评估HTa蛋白在不同基因组区域的结合差异。 依赖: MATLAB R2018a R Bioconductor NucleR包
解读《MongoDB Applied Design Patterns》
《MongoDB Applied Design Patterns》是一本MongoDB经典著作,适合初学者学习,但内容为英文。
Supermarket Logistics Management Database Design
数据库设计报告 存储过程:查询销售记录 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].search_sell_rec @id varchar(8), @name varchar(30), @time varchar(30), @mid varchar(8) AS IF (@mid = '') BEGIN SELECT P.p_id AS pid, P.p_name AS pname, P.p_scale AS pscale, S.s_qty AS sqty, S.s_price AS sprice, S.s_time AS stime, E.e_name AS ename FROM product P, sell S, employee E WHERE P.p_id LIKE '%' + @id + '%' AND P.p_name LIKE '%' + @name + '%' AND S.s_time LIKE '%' + @time + '%' AND S.p_id = P.p_id AND S.e_id = E.e_id ORDER BY S.s_id DESC END IF (@mid != '') BEGIN SELECT P.p_id AS pid, P.p_name AS pname, P.p_scale AS pscale, S.s_qty AS sqty, S.s_price AS sprice, S.s_time AS stime, E.e_name AS ename, P.p_qty AS pqty FROM product P, sell S, employee E WHERE P.p_id LIKE '%' + @id + '%' AND P.p_name LIKE '%' + @name + '%' AND S.s_time LIKE '%' + @time + '%' AND S.m_id = @mid AND S.p_id = P.p_id AND S.e_id = E.e_id ORDER BY S.s_id DESC END GO