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Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques 中文版
《Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques》是数据库领域的经典著作,详细阐述了数据库事务处理的理论和实践。书中介绍了事务的ACID特性:原子性确保所有操作要么全部完成要么全部不完成,一致性保证事务结束后数据库状态符合业务规则,隔离性防止并发事务干扰,持久性保证事务提交后结果永久保存。此外,还讨论了事务的提交、回滚和并发控制机制,以及分布式事务处理的挑战和解决方案。适合高校学生和数据库专业人士阅读。
Concepts 英汉对照版:Oracle 学习指南
Concepts 英汉对照版:Oracle 学习指南 这本 Concepts 英汉对照版是 Oracle 数据库学习的必备参考书。
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber
This seminal work by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber offers a comprehensive exploration of data mining principles and practices. The authors delve into the intricacies of extracting meaningful patterns and insights from large datasets, providing readers with a robust understanding of this rapidly evolving field.
Data Mining Concepts and Techniques (3rd Edition) Review
This review covers the third edition of Data Mining Concepts and Techniques. Written in accessible English, the epub format provides a pleasant reading experience in Adobe Digital Editions.
Oracle 10g R2 Concepts详解
详细解析了ORACLE CONCEPTS中英文对照的内容,帮助读者更好理解其涵义。
Oracle 10g R2 Concepts的双语版本详解
随着Oracle 10g R2 Concepts双语版的发布,用户可以深入了解Oracle数据库的最新概念和功能。这一版本不仅提供了全面的技术指导,还包含了实际应用场景的详细解析。
Oracle 10g R2 Concepts双语版-part1 改写
Oracle Concepts 10g R2双语版第一部分部分内容重写完成。
Signal Processing First 1st Edition Part2 Multimedia Learning Tools for DSP Concepts
Crafted by seasoned authors, this comprehensive package offers an engaging introduction to fundamental concepts, particularly discrete-time systems. Noteworthy features include visual learning aids, MATLAB labs, and a collection of solved problems, making it indispensable for mastering foundational concepts in today's electrical and computer engineering landscape. Topics covered encompass essential DSP principles, integrated lab projects in music, sound, and image processing, and the latest MATLAB functionalities for basic DSP operations. Key subjects include sinusoids, spectrum analysis, sampling, FIR and IIR filters, and more. Ideal for self-paced learning, catering to enthusiasts exploring DSP applications and multimedia signals.
Oracle 10g R2 Concepts中英文详解.part2