

Gradient Design Resources
This archive contains resources related to gradient design.
Gradient Descent Fitting Algorithm Example in MATLAB
This MATLAB example demonstrates the use of gradient descent to iteratively solve for the coefficients of a noisy quadratic curve. The algorithm is applied to fit a quadratic curve model, and the noisy data points are used to estimate the optimal coefficients through gradient descent optimization. This example is designed to inspire and help others understand how gradient descent can be applied in real-world curve fitting problems.
Gradient-Enhanced Sparse Grid Interpolation in MATLAB
Matlab Implementation of Gradient-Based ICA Algorithm
一种基于梯度的ICA算法 本算法利用梯度优化方法来实现独立成分分析(ICA)。ICA是一种常用于信号分离的技术,而梯度优化可以有效地提升算法的收敛速度和性能。以下是该算法的主要步骤: 初始化:设定初始的权重矩阵和学习率。 梯度计算:通过计算梯度,更新权重矩阵以最大化独立性。 收敛判定:当权重矩阵变化小于预定阈值时,判定收敛,输出分离信号。 优化更新:利用梯度下降法持续优化结果,确保分离效果的最优化。 该算法能够有效处理盲源分离问题,且具有较强的实际应用价值。
Softmax Regression Implementation for MNIST Classification Using Gradient Descent in MATLAB