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3D Curve Plotting in MATLAB with plot3
三维曲线图 plot3 基本的三维图形指令: plot3(X,Y,Z)- X,Y,Z 是长度相同的向量,绘制一条分别以向量 X,Y,Z 为 x,y,z 轴坐标值的空间曲线。 plot3(X,Y,Z): X,Y,Z 均是 mxn 的矩阵,绘制 m 条曲线,第 i 条曲线分别以 X,Y,Z 矩阵的第 i 列分量为 x,y,z 轴坐标值的空间曲线。 plot3(x,y,z,s): 带开关量 plot3(x1,y1,z1,'s1', x2,y2,z2,'s2', …) 使用 plot3 可以方便地创建三维空间中的曲线,为数据可视化提供强有力的支持。
Hatsune Miku 3D Model in 3DS Max
初音模型3DMAX是基于世界知名的虚拟歌手初音未来所创建的三维模型资源,广泛用于创作音乐MV、动画、游戏、虚拟现实等项目。初音未来由Crypton Future Media公司推出,以其独特的形象和音乐风格在全球范围内拥有大量粉丝。 在3DMAX中,初音模型通常包含以下关键元素:1. 3D几何体:模型的基础,由多边形等构成,精确再现初音的身体特征。2. 纹理:增添模型色彩和质感,包括颜色贴图、法线贴图等,模拟皮肤、衣物等的质感。3. 材质:定义物体表面的光学属性,如反射和光泽,使模型更真实。4. 骨骼绑定:将模型与骨骼结构关联,实现动画效果。5. 动画控制器:提供工具创建和编辑动画,调整模型动作和表情。6. 灯光和摄像机:模拟光源,决定观众观察场景的方式。7. 渲染设置:调整抗锯齿、阴影等,生成高质量的静态图像或视频序列。 初音模型3DMAX的使用不仅限于专业设计师,也是爱好者和学习者熟悉3DMAX软件、提高3D动画技能的理想资源。通过下载并导入“小初音.max”文件,用户可以探索和编辑模型,进行个性化创作。在实际应用中,初音模型可用于游戏开发、音乐视频制作或教育环境中作为教学示例。它激发着无数创作者的灵感。
简单查看器3D简单的3D / 4D医学图像查看器-matlab开发
这是一个用于可视化来自mhd文件或ImageType格式工作区的医学图像的3D和4D查看器。其特性包括3D/4D图像可视化、图像叠加、斜切以及3D切片的可视化,还支持基本的刚性注册。推荐与医学图像处理工具箱(如下确认)一起使用。例如: >> im1 = read_mhd('BMode_ultrasound_4D.mhd'); >> im2 = read_mhd('ColorDoppler_ultrasound_4D.mhd'); >> SimpleViewer_GUI然后选择文件->从工作区打开。最新版本可在以下位置找到: https://gitlab.com/compounding/matlab
该程序是基于Vienna开发,完整实现了3GPP TR36.873协议中的3D信道模型matlab代码。
MATLAB 3D绘图循环开发技巧
MATLAB 3D绘图循环开发技巧。该函数用于绘制用户定义半径、位置和方向的圆形。
3D Max快捷键详解
3D Max快捷键详解####视图操作与导航- A:角度捕捉开关,用于在移动、旋转等操作时捕捉特定的角度。 - B:切换到底视图,方便查看模型底部的情况。 - C:切换到摄像机视图,以当前选定的摄像机视角来观察场景。 - D:封闭视窗,通常用于关闭某些浮动窗口或面板。 - E:切换到轨迹视图,显示选定对象的关键帧和动画曲线。 - F:切换到前视图,便于观察模型的正面细节。 - G:切换到网格视图,开启或关闭网格显示。 - H:显示通过名称选择对话框,可以通过输入名称来选择场景中的对象。 - I:交互式平移,允许用户在视图中平移视图。 - K:切换到背视图,从背面观察模型。 - L:切换到左视图,从左侧观察模型。 - N:动画模式开关,启用或禁用动画模式。 - O:自适应退化开关,开启后可以减少模型在远离摄像机时的细节,以提高性能。 - P:切换到透视用户视图,以透视方式查看场景。 - R:切换到右视图,从右侧观察模型。 - S:捕捉开关,开启或关闭捕捉功能。 - T:切换到顶视图,从顶部观察模型。 - U:切换到等角用户视图,以等角投影的方式观察场景。 - W:最大化视窗开关,可以使视图窗口最大化。 - X:中心点循环,在不同的中心点之间切换,如世界中心、对象中心等。 - Z:缩放模式,改变视图的缩放级别。 ####操作模式与工具- 交互式移近/交互式移远:使用这两个命令可以在视图中放大或缩小显示比例。 - /:播放动画,预览当前场景的动画效果。 - F5:约束到X轴方向,使移动、旋转等操作仅沿X轴方向进行。 - F6:约束到Y轴方向,使移动、旋转等操作仅沿Y轴方向进行。 - F7:约束到Z轴方向,使移动、旋转等操作仅沿Z轴方向进行。 - F8:切换XYXZYX坐标轴,改变操作坐标轴的方向。 - F9:渲染,对当前场景进行最终渲染。 - F10:渲染输出面板,打开渲染设置界面,可以调整渲染质量和其他参数。 - Space:选择集锁定开关,锁定或解锁选择集,防止意外更改。 - End:进到最后一帧,跳转到动画的最后一
Quaternion and 3D Rotation Interpolation A Mathematical Insight
Quaternions are an extension of the complex number concept, playing a crucial role in 3D space rotation. To better understand the relationship between quaternions and 3D rotations, we begin with the fundamentals of complex numbers, as there are notable parallels between the properties of complex numbers and their role in 2D rotation. Complex numbers consist of real and imaginary components, where the imaginary unit (i) is defined as ( \sqrt{-1} ), so any complex number (z) can be represented as ( z = a + bi ), with (a) as the real part and (b) as the imaginary part, where (i^2 = -1). Complex numbers can be viewed as points or vectors in the complex plane, where the real part corresponds to the x-axis and the imaginary part to the y-axis. Complex addition and subtraction are straightforward, performed by adding or subtracting the real and imaginary parts, respectively. Multiplication of complex numbers, however, is slightly more complex, requiring expansion and simplification using (i^2 = -1). A significant feature of complex multiplication is its connection to matrix multiplication. Specifically, every complex number can be associated with a particular 2x2 real matrix. For example, the complex number ( z = a + bi ) can be represented by the matrix: [ \begin{bmatrix} a & -b \\ b & a \end{bmatrix} ] This matrix form allows us to use matrix multiplication to perform complex number multiplication. During this process, we observe that complex number multiplication effectively corresponds to a rotation and scaling transformation in 2D space. For instance, the unit complex number 1 corresponds to the identity matrix, leaving points in the complex plane unchanged, while the imaginary unit (i) corresponds to a 90-degree rotation matrix, meaning that multiplying a complex number by (i) rotates it 90 degrees clockwise. After grasping these complex fundamentals, we move to quaternions. Quaternions are a further extension of complex numbers into four-dimensional space. Each quaternion consists of a real part and three imaginary parts, generally written as ( q = w + xi + yj + zk ), where (w) is the real part and (x), (y), and (z) are the imaginary parts. The units (i), (j), and (k) follow distinct multiplication rules in four-dimensional space, where quaternion multiplication is analogous to complex multiplication yet complies with four-dimensional rules. Quaternions are highly beneficial in 3D rotation operations because they avoid gimbal lock, a common issue with Euler angle representation. This makes quaternions a stable and continuous method for rotation interpolation, essential in computer graphics for 3D animation and simulation. Through quaternions, we can use linear algebra and basic geometry principles to intuitively derive and comprehend 3D spatial rotation. Quaternions provide direct representation of the rotation axis and rotation angle, while interpolating quaternions enables smooth transitions between two rotations. This is extremely helpful in animation and real-time rendering for creating fluid movement. For example, in game development and flight simulation, quaternions are often used to achieve coherent flight paths, allowing engineers to implement smooth motion.