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PM_Solver_Matlab MATLAB-Based FEM Solver for Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Motor
PM_Solver_Matlab is an FEM solver developed using MATLAB for synchronous motors, with a focus on surface-mounted permanent magnet motors. Some of the code is based on or modified from Smeklib().
MatlabHill-C++Linear Solver Integration
在Matlab Hill代码中,线性求解器的实现由C++编写。为了确保编译成功,需要先安装OpenBLAS。在macOS中,可使用以下命令: 安装OpenBLAS: brew install OpenBLAS 设置路径: export LDFLAGS=\"-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib\" export CPPFLAGS=\"-I/usr/local/opt/openblas/include\" 编译命令: gcc-9 -lstdC++ -g -I/usr/local/opt/openblas/include -L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas main.cpp 只要支持C++ 17,可以使用任何编译器。如果在Windows上,需先安装OpenBLAS或其他开放库。
Weber Problem Solver Generalization of Weiszfeld Algorithm in MATLAB
Matlab Nonlinear Solver for Multi-Phase Flow
在本示例中,Matlab代码实现了非线性求解器,用于模拟多Kong介质中的流动。代码使用牛顿-拉夫森法求解方程f(x) = 0,基本步骤如下: 初始化x0。 计算更新:x1 = x0 - f(x0) / f'(x0)。 构建矩阵形式:A = df1/dx1 ... dfN/dxN,b = -f1 ... -fN。 解线性方程Ax = b,更新x = x + alpha * dx(对于非阻尼情况,alpha = 1)。 计算残差|f + f'dx| / |f|,检查收敛性。
MATLAB Solver选项卡基础与应用
Simulink仿真工具中,Solver选项卡扮演着关键角色。它包含Simulink time用于设置仿真的起始时间和停止时间,以及Solver options用于选择仿真解题器的操作。根据类型的不同,Solver options分为Variable-step(变步长算法)和Fixed-step(固定步长算法),应用于不同类型的仿真需求。
Bidirectional Branch and Bound Solver for Worst-Case Loss Minimization
现代Craft.io系统需要实现最佳操作。然而,由于实时干扰、测量和控制误差以及不确定性,在预先设计的名义上的最佳点的操作实际上不一定是最佳的。自优化控制通过反馈控制来解决这个问题。通过仔细选择或综合控制变量,自优化控制系统可以尽管存在干扰、测量和控制误差以及不确定性,但仍能实现最佳或接近最佳的运行。控制变量的选择是一个NP-hard问题,因为它具有组合性质,尽管已经为自优化控制开发了理论标准。该软件包包括两个使用局部最坏情况损失准则的求解器。这两个求解器都基于作者和Kariwala博士最近开发的双向分支定界方法。这些求解器的原理、效率和应用可在最近发表在Computers and Chemical Engineering上的论文中找到,也可以在在线获得。
2011年秋季竞赛:藤蔓 该竞赛要求开发一个基于MATLAB的算法来模拟藤蔓的生长过程。藤蔓的生长规律需要在一定的约束条件下进行模拟,挑战在于如何高效地计算藤蔓的生长路径以及如何优化程序的执行效率。主要任务包括: 藤蔓的拓扑结构建模,模拟其在空间中的生长过程。 计算藤蔓生长过程中碰撞检测和环境交互。 使用MATLAB开发高效的模拟代码,保证算法的运行速度和准确性。 该项目涉及算法设计、数学建模和程序优化,考察了参赛者在MATLAB开发上的能力。
Graph Solver全节点最短路径问题的解决方案
ALLSPATH - 解决图中所有节点之间的最短路径问题,快速返回沿图边缘的最短节点到节点的距离。用法:B = allspath(A) A 是节点之间的距离矩阵,B 是所有节点之间的最短路径距离矩阵。注意:(1) 对于具有 n 个节点的图,A 是一个 n×n 的距离矩阵,给出相邻节点之间的距离。由于点 i 到点 j 的距离与点 j 到点 i 的距离相同,所以 A 一定是对称矩阵。(2) 从节点到自身的距离可以输入为零或无穷大,两者都会产生正确的结果。(3) 彼此不相邻的节点之间的距离必须输入为零或无穷大,两者都会产生正确的结果。(4) 如果输入图不是“连通的”,即无论经过多少条边都无法从其他节点到达某些节点,则无法。
Entropy Method MATLAB Code for Distribution Planning FSC Decomposition-Based Solver for FSC Problem
The Conservative Value Method MATLAB code Distribution_Planning_Lot_sizing_Decomposition.m is used for the Lagrangian Relaxation Method and decomposition algorithms applied to high-speed railway (CSHR) catering services. These programs are coded based on the following works: the time-varying demand and pedestrian congestion-based high-speed railway catering distribution planning problem and the batch-based model and decomposition algorithm developed by the Beijing Jiaotong University Research Team under the guidance of Professor Nie Lei. All these codes were written by Dr. Wu Xin. For any inquiries, please contact him. Your feedback is important to us, and the code will continue to be updated and improved in the future. The code includes three main parts: Main Program: main.m is the key component that initiates all related algorithms. The CPLEX solver used in the file can decompose the mixed-integer programming model into submodels. Therefore, the program will work only if the CPLEX interface is correctly installed in the MATLAB environment. Convex Program: A program that solves a series of single-variable convex maximization submodels. The submodels can be solved using the fmincon function in MATLAB's optimization toolbox. HCEA Functions: All files prefixed with HCEA_ embed the Convex Group Method (Frank Wolfe algorithm) as part of the Hybrid Cross-Entropy Algorithm (HCEA). The implementation of HCEA can be used to compare with the proposed decomposition method. Default settings are provided for various configurations.
deconvtv-Fast Algorithm for Total Variation Deconvolution A Numerical Solver for Total Variation Regularized Least Squares Deconvolution Problem in MATLAB
Total variation regularized least squares deconvolution is one of the standard problems in image processing. This package uses the concept of Augmented Lagrangian [1] to implement the state-of-the-art algorithm, which can be viewed as a variant of the widely known Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). The deconvtv user interface is similar to the current MATLAB deconvolution tools, including deconvwnr, deconvlucy, and deconvreg: out = deconvtv(img, psf, mu, opt); deconvtv supports direct spatiotemporal processing for image and video deconvolution problems. Its applications include, but are not limited to: image and video deblurring, image and video denoising, depth data enhancement, thermal air turbulence stabilization, and multi-view synthesis. For more information and citations, please refer to: [1] SH Chan, R. Khoshabeh, KB Gibson, PE Gill, and TQ Nguyen, \"Augmented Lagrangian Method for Total Variation Video Restoration\", IEEE Trans. Image.