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DFT MATLAB Source Code Goertzel Algorithm for DSP
DFT Matlab Source Code-Simple Linear Algebra Header(SLACH)
DFT的Matlab源代码简单线性代数C标头(SLACH),是一个为使用C89设计的低耦合的线性代数库,便于可移植性。SLACH主要包含以下部分:基础、运算、QR分解、LU分解、SVD分解和快速傅立叶变换(FFT)。除base外,其他部分均依赖于base,没有复杂的依赖关系。用户若仅需使用库,无需了解内部数据结构,便可通过数组获得结果。如需实现算法,程序可轻松传输。程序中清晰区分了内部和外部,使用了众多包装函数。用法:SLACH的接口为:float* src size_t row,size_t col或size_t len,float* dest size_t height,size_t width或size_t len。其他参数表示在src上使用该功能并将结果保存在dest中。base中声明并定义了基本数据结构:向量和矩阵,可在其他应用中轻松使用。base还定义了一些实用工具:安全的malloc和free、打印功能及随机数生成。
DFT的MATLAB源代码 DFT-水印方法 这项研究评估了由于在图像的频域中实施水印而导致的图像质量下降。结果,开发了最小化水印实现对图像的整体质量的影响的水印方法。水印嵌入在傅立叶变换的幅度中。峰值信噪比用于评估质量下降。获得的结果用于开发水印策略,该策略选择实现的最佳半径以最大程度地降低质量下降。在1000幅图像的数据集上评估了该方法的鲁棒性。检测率和接收器工作特性表现出了对 打印扫描过程,打印凸轮过程,调幅半色调以及来自StirMark基准软件的攻击的强大鲁棒性。该出版物的PDF随附在存储库中,但请注意,该论文已发表在《电子成像杂志》上,并且可以找到。如果您使用该代码,请相应引用。
MATLAB Code for DEM Noise Analysis using 2D DFT
DFT的matlab源代码标题日期作者使用FFT测试DEM中的高频噪声2017年1月本·普林顿(purinton@uni-potsdam.de)代码迁移到PYTHON :) 注意:截至2020年5月,此分析已迁移到Python:如果要使用MATLAB TM,请继续下面的操作。使用2D DFT进行DEM噪声分析的Matlab代码。该MATLAB TM函数用于栅格化地形数据(DEM)的频谱分析,以分析高频,低波长噪声,如以下所示: Purinton,B.,and Bookhagen,B .:验证中部安第斯高原南部的数字高程模型(DEM)和地貌指标,《地球表面动力学》,2017年。)运行它在分析之前,用户必须下载并设置一些必需功能的路径: T. Perron的2DSpecTools软件包可用。有关此光谱分析程序的背景以及引起该分析的论文,请参见:Perron,JT,Kirchner,JW和Dietrich,WE:景观中特征空间尺度和非分形结构的光谱特征,地球物理研究杂志,113,2008年。 W.Schwangh
DFT MATLAB Source Code and OpenCV.js WeChat Mini-Program Library
DFT MATLAB Source Code and opencv.js-wechat WeChat Mini-program lib for opencv.js version 4.3.0 runs using WebAssembly. To try the demo, import the project from demo\\miniprogram into the developer tools, then preview it. Open debugging on your phone and follow these steps: Click 'Get wasm' and wait 5-10 seconds for initialization to complete. Tap 'Grayscale Lena' to check if the grayscale Lena image displays correctly. Click 'Capture Camera'; after a 5-10 second load, verify if it successfully tracks the face (red box) and eyes (blue box). Server-side setup: Execute npx http-server ./ in demo\\server, then open the browser to initialize with: API wasm.init({ url: \"http://www.aiotforest.com/opencv.zip\", // wasm or zip file URL type: \"zip\", // format: wasm or zip (contains only compressed wasm) useCache: true, // enable cache to save wasm to user files, reducing future data usage self: this, ... });
DFT MATLAB Source Code Exciting and Powerful Open-Source Package for Scientific Developers
DFT MATLAB Source Code is an exciting and powerful open-source package designed for scientific developers and users who need modern and adaptive platforms for research. It provides a wide range of functionalities that make it easy to perform Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) operations with flexibility and efficiency. This package is ideal for anyone looking to implement or research DFT in a MATLAB environment, offering ease of use and robust capabilities. Whether for educational purposes, simulations, or advanced scientific applications, it is a highly adaptable tool to suit various needs.
DFT的Matlab实现代码 - PSA 自动从code.google.com/p/psa导出
ESP_DNN Graph Convolutional Deep Neural Network for Electrostatic Potential Surface Prediction in DFT(MATLAB Source Code)
ESP-DNN: Graph Convolutional Deep Neural Network for Predicting Electrostatic Potential Surfaces from DFT Calculations This repository contains trained models and code designed for generating ligands and proteins, creating electrostatic potential (ESP) surfaces that closely resemble DFT-quality molecular surfaces. The PQR files generated by our model include atomic charges and dipole-like atomic features, such as lone pairs, σ-conjugation, and p-orbitals. To generate ligand PQR files, a graph convolutional deep neural network (DNN) model was trained on about 100,000 molecules with ESP surfaces derived from DFT calculations. For proteins, parameterized charges of amino acids were used, ensuring compatibility with the ligand ESP surfaces generated by the DNN model. For more detailed methods and validation information, refer to the full documentation. System Requirements The program can only run on 64-bit Linux operating systems. Installation Instructions To run ESP-DNN, you will need to:1. Clone this repository.2. Set up Python and required dependencies.3. (Optional) Install additional packages. The package has been developed and tested with Python 2.7 and the following third-party libraries:- rdkit == 2018.09.3- keras == 2.2.4- tensorflow == 1.10.0- num
DFT 的 MATLAB 源代码提供 GAMESS 性能基准。基准集中的输入结构均源于 RHF/CCT 理论水平的未表征几何优化。输入结构基于以下优化设置:$CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF MULT=1 ISPHER=1$END$CONTRL MPLEVL=0$END$CONTRL MAXIT=100$END$CONTRL QMTTOL=1.0E-6$END$SCF DIRSCF=.T.$END$BASIS GBASIS=CCT$END$STATPT NSTEP=1000 OPTTOL=0.0001$END某些输入可能使用不同的收敛。 系统名称tt基组函数数tt文件名水簇7CH2tt406ttx-0406-水簇-7CH2-s66尿嘧啶HBtt592ttx-0592-s66-尿嘧啶-bp-valtt791ttx-0791-andrey-valium-可卡因tt952ttx-0952-andrey可卡因-六硝基二苯乙烯tt1044ttx-1044-六硝基sti-*N,N-双[(2S)-2-羟基-3-苯氧基丙基]苯胺tt1248ttx-1248-
掌握DFT函数的用法。 2. 利用 DFT进行信号检测 及 谱分析。 3. 了解 信号截取长度 对 谱分析 的影响。