Physics-based animation

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Matlab Scheduling Algorithm Simulation Code-CSC417Physics-Based Animation
Course Information Course Title: Matlab Scheduling Algorithm Simulation Code - CSC417 / CSC2549: Physics-Based Animation Instructor: Professor [Name] (Contact via email) Office Hours: Tuesdays 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom (Link will be sent to registered students) Teaching Assistant (TA): Vismay Modi, Honglin Chen Course Description:This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental mathematical and algorithmic techniques required for effective numerical simulation of physical phenomena, such as rigid bodies, deformable bodies, and fluids. The focus is on developing algorithms that produce visually compelling representations of physical systems. Topics include the mathematics for describing the motion of physical objects, discretization techniques, and efficient numerical methods for solving discrete equations. Prerequisites:- C/C++ programming- Linear algebra- Calculus- Numerical methods Students should be familiar with basic linear algebra, geometry, and vector calculus. Basic programming skills in C++ are assumed. (Strongly recommended: Multivariable calculus.) Useful Resources: Please refer to the course materials for recommended readings and additional resources. Zoom Office Hours:- Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM- Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM(Links will be sent via email to registered students) Discussion Board: Access course discussion board for assignments and discussions. Summary CSC417 provides the theoretical and practical foundation for developing physics-based animation algorithms using Matlab. Students will learn to simulate and represent complex physical systems like rigid bodies, deformable bodies, and fluids. The course emphasizes the application of numerical methods to solve physical equations for real-time simulations.
Self-Winding Rope-Lagrangian Mechanics Animation of a Self-Winding Rope Based on the Lagrange Equation-MATLAB Development
Essential Mathematics for Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering
This book serves as a refresher for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in physics, chemistry, and engineering, solidifying their understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts crucial for scientific coursework. The content emphasizes practical applications of mathematics in these fields, starting with twelve progressively challenging examples that cultivate students' mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities in scientific contexts. Comprehensive illustrations and online resources enhance understanding, while the updated edition incorporates new problems, illustrations, and expanded chapters on matrix algebra and differential equations.
MATLAB开发 - LeadingEntryVertime的动画 随着时间的推移,这显示了关于前导条目的各种情况。通过动画,用户可以直观地理解LeadingEntryVertime在不同时间点的表现和变化。
利用 MATLAB 制作的 单摆 动画。先制作 横梁,再制作的 单摆,以一定的 角速度 运动。
Interpolation Animation Incremental Polynomial Approximation in MATLAB Development
Machine Learning in Matlab Background Separation Techniques for Particle Physics Research
在粒子物理学研究中,背景分离技术是数据分析的重要部分,尤其是在信号与背景的分类中,信号代表我们感兴趣的粒子事件。我使用了多种机器学习技术,尤其是背景分离,来进行数据分析,以获得在其他数据集上的分析经验。本研究包括了在Coursera的Andrew Ng机器学习课程中的一些项目,这些项目使用了Matlab进行实现。 Matlab作为一种高级科学计算语言,能够处理各种机器学习任务,特别是信号与背景的分类。课程内容包括线性回归、逻辑回归、神经网络、支持向量机、K均值聚类等常见模型的应用。这些模型的实现涉及到诸如梯度下降、成本函数等技术细节。 例如: 例1:在练习1中,我们使用了线性回归模型,通过输入值预测实值输出,应用于房价预测,重点讨论了成本函数的概念,并实现了梯度下降算法。 例2:在另一个练习中,我们构建了逻辑回归模型,以预测学生是否能被大学录取。 这些方法的实现需要通过Octave或MATLAB来进行,帮助我们深入理解并实践机器学习算法的核心原理。
利用MATLAB实现正弦信号的带有噪声的调制仿真,并且具有动画效果。 程序实现流程: 首先,定义正弦信号:matlabf = 50; % 频率 (Hz)t = 0:0.001:1; % 时间向量signal = sin(2*pi*f*t); % 生成正弦信号 为信号添加噪声:matlabnoise = 0.2 * randn(size(signal)); % 添加高斯噪声modulated_signal = signal + noise; % 调制信号 绘制和动画效果:```matlabfigure;h = plot(t, signal, 'b'); % 初始化图形xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude');title('Sinusoidal Signal with Noise');ylim([-1.5 1.5]);grid on; % 动画展示for i = 1:length(t)set(h, 'YData', modulated_signal(1:i));pause(0.01); % 调整动画速度end``` 通过上述代码,生成带有噪声的调制波,并实现动态展示效果。
Random Walk MATLAB Code-Computational Physics Assignment by WHU Student
欢迎来到sfGuo的仓库!我是武汉大学物理系的学生,热爱物理和编程。我用MATLAB进行了一些工作,包括数据绘图、图像分析、拉曼光谱峰值识别以及一些简单的分子动力学程序。以下是我的计算物理作业:- 第1和第2个作业- 第3个作业- 第4个作业和报告- 第5个作业和报告- 第6个作业和报告- 第7个作业和报告- 第8个作业和报告- 第9个作业和报告- 第10个作业和报告- 第11个作业和报告- 第12个作业和报告- 第13个作业和报告- 第14个作业和报告- 第15个作业和报告- 决赛