social science

当前话题为您枚举了最新的 social science。在这里,您可以轻松访问广泛的教程、示例代码和实用工具,帮助您有效地学习和应用这些核心编程技术。查看页面下方的资源列表,快速下载您需要的资料。我们的资源覆盖从基础到高级的各种主题,无论您是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能找到有价值的信息。

这是一个R的数据科学资料库,涵盖统计分析、学习和整体数据科学相关的所有资源。我将上传自己编写的.R代码,以供将来参考。我的目标是在一年内完成以下内容(将持续更新): 2015年夏季 漩涡 + Coursera的数据科学课程[1, 2] 描述性统计简介 + 推断性统计简介(Udacity) 使用R进行数据分析(Udacity) 2015年秋季 Coursera数据科学课程[3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 统计学习(斯坦福) + 教科书 2016年春季 Coursera数据科学课程[8, 9] 面向黑客的机器学习教科书 Coursera数据科学专业课程 (1) 数据科学家工具箱(Coursera) (2) R编程(Coursera)+ 漩涡(“R编程”) (3) 获取和清洁数据(Coursera)+ 漩涡(“获取和清洁数据”) (4) 探索性数据分析(Coursera)
MATLAB Excel Import Code for Data Science Basics
MATLAB导入Excel代码数据科学语: Julia [这就是我们正在使用的]库/软件包: matplotlib-用于数据分析 Matlab-用于数学计算快速说明: julia code = .jl文件扩展名操作:赞美~和&或|双向运算,例如>, <, >>>数学运算:输入数据输入一个字符串: var = readline()读取数字: num = parse(Int64, readline())环形尽管while (true) print("Go to hell") end有条件的如果别的if (num % 2 == 0) println("even") else println("odd") end职能:传统方法: function sum(a,b) a + b end新方法: sum(a,b) = a + b功能对象的分配something = sum现在分配的对象将工作相同something(5, 10)功能类型用户自定义功能参数功能功能形式没有参数,没有返回
Mastering Data Science A Practical Guide from Industry Experts
Data Science has become a pivotal skill set, capable of shaping everything from election outcomes to revolutionary business models. This field’s allure stems from its power to answer complex, meaningful questions through data. But how can one learn such a vast and interdisciplinary subject effectively? This book adapts Columbia University’s 'Introduction to Data Science' class into a user-friendly format, guiding you through essential skills chapter by chapter., Each lecture, presented by a guest data scientist from a leading company like Google, Microsoft, or eBay, introduces crucial algorithms, methods, and models backed by real-world case studies and code examples. Discover what data scientists do daily, and gain hands-on techniques as you progress through each topic., Key topics explored include:, - Machine learning and data mining algorithms, - Statistical models and methods, - The differences between prediction and description, - Techniques for exploratory data analysis, - Communication and visualization methods, - Data processing for large datasets, - Big data management, - Essential programming skills, - Data science ethics, - Strategies for asking insightful questions, Whether you’re comfortable with linear algebra or just starting, this resource provides a clear path toward mastering the skills that define today’s data science landscape.
Shandong University of Science and Technology Embedded Systems Exam Guide
Embedded systems are a crucial area in computer science and engineering, focusing on integrating microprocessor technology into specific devices or systems to achieve dedicated functions. The embedded exam materials from the Computer Science and Engineering School of Shandong University of Science and Technology are essential for students mastering this field. These materials cover curated key points by faculty, aiming to help students deeply understand and master the principles, design, and applications of embedded systems. Embedded systems are characterized by customization and specificity. Typically, they are applied in control, monitoring, or interactive applications such as automotive electronics, medical devices, home appliances, industrial automation, and mobile communication devices. To understand embedded systems, students must first grasp processor architecture concepts, including microcontrollers (MCUs) and digital signal processors (DSPs), their instruction sets, memory structures, and peripheral interfaces. The software component covers the selection of operating systems (OS), such as real-time operating systems (RTOS) like FreeRTOS and VxWorks, or lightweight embedded Linux distributions. Understanding OS mechanisms, including task scheduling, interrupt handling, and memory management, is crucial for developing efficient, reliable embedded applications. Programming in C/C++ is common in embedded development, requiring platform-specific coding skills. On the hardware side, embedded engineers need skills in circuit design and system integration, encompassing power management, signal processing, and I/O interface (like GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C) design and debugging. Additionally, optimizing power consumption and designing for reliability are essential aspects. In terms of exams, students may engage in case analysis to deepen their understanding of embedded applications, such as designing a basic embedded control system or working on IoT projects. Exams may include theory questions asking students to explain embedded system components and workflows, and programming tasks requiring code to control specific hardware devices. Hands-on experiments and projects, like setting up and debugging embedded boards to accomplish particular tasks, are also crucial in assessing students’ skills. Key Review Points:1. Basics of embedded processors: architecture, instruction set, memory hierarchy.2. OS concepts and applications in embedded systems.3. Embedded programming: C/C++ features, platform-specific coding techniques.4. Hardware interfaces and communication protocols.5. Power management, power optimization, and reliability design.6. Practical application: designing and implementing simple embedded projects. Through focused learning and practical experience, students can build a comprehensive understanding of embedded systems, laying a solid foundation for future careers in this field. The embedded exam materials at Shandong University of Science and Technology provide a valuable learning path for students.
并行计算 (中科大讲义) 提供了一系列关于 并行计算 的关键概念、模型与实现策略。本讲义从并行计算的基本原理开始,深入探讨了如何利用 多核处理器 实现高效计算。包括数据并行、任务并行等模型,并展示了 并行算法 的设计原则与优化方法。此外,讲义中还详细阐述了常用的并行计算工具、编程模型(如 MPI、OpenMP)以及 性能评估 的方法,为学习者提供了全面的并行计算知识框架。
在金融科技快速发展的背景下,金融科技对我国保险行业的影响日益显著,尤其是在大数据和区块链技术的推动下,保险精算工作面临着前所未有的变革。通过分析大数据与区块链在保险精算中的应用,探讨其对精算模型、风险评估、定价策略以及赔付预测的深远影响。 一方面,大数据技术通过处理大量实时数据,帮助保险公司更加精准地评估客户风险,改进定价模型,并能够对客户行为进行实时分析,提高精算的准确性和效率。另一方面,区块链技术则为保险精算提供了更加透明、安全的交易记录,降低了信息不对称,提高了数据共享的可信度,从而增强了精算过程中的风险控制能力。 综上所述,金融科技尤其是大数据和区块链的融合为我国保险精算带来了巨大的变革机会,不仅提升了精算工作的精确度与效率,也推动了行业向更加智能化、透明化的方向发展。
Bi-LSTM MATLAB Code and Data Science Notes Deep Learning,Machine Learning,and More
Bi-LSTM MATLAB Code – DataScience-Notes 数据科学笔记。提供有关数据科学的笔记、代码和实例,涵盖数学、统计、机器学习、深度学习等基础知识及相关应用场景。参考资料已在最后列出。大部分代码采用Python编写,涉及的库及框架包括: NumPy、SymPy、Scikit-learn、Gensim、TensorFlow 1.X、TensorFlow 2.X 和 MXNet。部分数值分析代码则使用MATLAB编写。 注释:- (notebook): Jupyter Notebook 文件链接- (MATLAB): 相应的 MATLAB 代码链接- (md): Markdown 文件链接- (link): 外部链接 目录1. Prerequisite Knowledge (必备知识)- 1.1 Basic Concepts Related to Mathematics and Python Implementation (数学相关基础概念和Python实现)- Vector and Determinant (向量和行列式)- Matrix (矩阵及其运算)