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OCCI 11.2API Documentation Guide
Java MongoDB API Documentation
MongoDB is a popular open-source, distributed document database used for storing and processing JSON-formatted data. In Java development, MongoDB provides a rich Java driver that allows developers to interact conveniently with MongoDB in Java applications. This resource, 'Java MongoDB API Documentation,' is the official API documentation tailored for Java developers, covering various functionalities of using MongoDB in Java. The MongoDB Java driver offers multiple classes and interfaces, such as 'MongoClient' for connecting to MongoDB servers, 'MongoDatabase' representing a database, and 'MongoCollection' representing collections within databases. Key aspects covered in the API include: 1. Connection Management: The 'MongoClient' class serves as the main entry point for connecting to MongoDB, supporting various connection configurations such as hostnames, ports, and authentication. You can create a 'MongoClient' instance using the 'MongoClients.create()' method. 2. Database Operations: The 'MongoDatabase' class allows you to retrieve or manipulate databases. You can use 'MongoDatabase#getName()' to get the database name, 'MongoDatabase#listCollectionNames()' to list all collections, and 'MongoDatabase#createCollection()' to create new collections. 3. Collection Operations: 'MongoCollection' is the core for data operations, providing CRUD functionalities. For example, 'MongoCollection#insertOne()' inserts a single document, 'MongoCollection#find()' queries documents, 'MongoCollection#deleteOne()' deletes the first document matching a condition, and 'MongoCollection#updateOne()' updates matching documents. 4. Document Operations: Data in MongoDB is stored in BSON (Binary JSON) format, and the 'Document' class is used to represent these documents. You can create and manipulate documents using key-value pairs. 5. Querying and Filtering: The Java API offers extensive querying and filtering options, including 'Filter' and 'Sort'. For instance, you can use 'Filters.eq("key", "value")' for specific key-value pair filtering, 'Sort.by(Sort.Direction.'
occi API C/C++详解
每个occi API类均有详细说明,涵盖了所有支持C++调用的接口,是开发者的神器。
Accessing ArcGIS Server SOAP API Documentation
ArcGIS Server是Esri公司提供的一个强大的地理信息系统(GIS)服务器平台,它允许开发者通过各种接口访问和操作地理数据服务。SOAP(简单对象访问协议)API是ArcGIS Server提供的一种通信机制,用于与服务器上的服务进行交互,尤其是通过Web服务的方式。档主要关注如何使用ArcGIS Server的SOAP API。首先,理解SOAP API的基本概念非常重要。SOAP是一种基于XML的协议,用于在不同系统之间交换结构化和类型化的信息。在ArcGIS Server的上下文中,SOAP API允许客户端应用程序通过发送SOAP消息来调用服务器上的地图、地理编码或地理处理服务。ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.ArcGISServer命名空间是Web ADF(ArcGIS Web Application Developer Framework)的一部分,它包含了一系列的Value对象和每个服务类型的代理(如地图服务、地理编码服务和地理处理服务)。这些代理分为两类:Web服务代理和DCOM代理。Web服务代理通过Web服务端点与ArcGIS Server服务通信,而DCOM代理则通过SOM(Server Object Manager)端点和DCOM进行交互。WSDL(Web服务描述语言)是SOAP服务的关键组件,它定义了服务的接口和消息格式。开发者可以使用Web服务工具包(如Microsoft .NET SDK的wsdl.exe)消费WSDL来生成与服务交互所需的客户端类。SOAP协议规定了客户端如何封装和发送请求,以及服务如何响应和解码返回的数据。在Web ADF中,MapResourceBase类为地图资源提供了基础,无论互联网连接还是本地连接,都能使用这个基类。对于互联网连接,ArcGIS Server通过MapServerProxy类与服务通信;而对于本地连接,MapServerDcomProxy扩展了MapServerProxy,支持通过DCOM与ArcGIS Server服务进行交互。使用ArcGIS Server SOAP API,开发者可以执行以下操作:1.查询地图服务,获取地图图层信息。2.执行地理编码,将地址转换为坐标。3.调用地理处理任务,执行复杂的GIS分析。4.管理服务,如启动、停止或更新服务实例。5.获取
Spark 1.6.0 API Documentation in CHM Format
Spark 1.6.0 API CHM is a compiled help manual created from the original Spark 1.6.0 API documentation. This CHM version allows offline browsing, convenient for users who prefer quick access to Spark's functions, classes, and usage guidelines without needing an internet connection. The compilation provides an intuitive structure that mirrors the web version of the API documentation but is optimized for enhanced offline readability and ease of navigation.
Comprehensive Guide to Oracle 10g Documentation
The Oracle 10g documentation provides an in-depth exploration of the system, offering extensive resources and detailed instructions. This documentation is highly comprehensive, covering Oracle 10g architecture, installation, configuration, performance tuning, and troubleshooting. With its complete and thorough insights, this guide is essential for anyone working with Oracle 10g who seeks to maximize efficiency and understanding.
Comprehensive Guide to SQLite .NET API in C#
In this guide, we will delve into SQLite with .NET for C# development, providing an in-depth overview of the CHM API documentation and its practical usage. This API helps developers easily interact with SQLite databases in a C# environment, facilitating operations like querying, updating, and managing data.
Key Features of SQLite .NET API
SQLite Database Integration: Streamlines data handling for C# applications.
CHM Help Documentation: The CHM file provides accessible and detailed API documentation.
Robust .NET Support: Offers full compatibility with C# and the .NET framework, making it ideal for desktop applications requiring local databases.
Ease of Use: The API simplifies complex database operations for C# applications.
Portability: Lightweight and highly compatible across platforms supporting .NET and SQLite.
With this comprehensive help API, developers can fully utilize SQLite in their .NET projects, building scalable, robust applications effortlessly.
Setting Up Oracle 11.2RAC on Linux 5A Step-by-Step Guide
Oracle 11.2 RAC (Real Application Clusters) is an advanced feature of Oracle databases that allows multiple instances to share a single physical database, ensuring high availability and load balancing. Setting up Oracle 11.2 RAC on Linux 5 requires several key steps, including system configuration, user and permission management, Network Time Protocol (NTP) configuration, resource limit adjustments, and kernel parameter optimization. Below is a structured breakdown of these steps:
Memory Requirements: To maintain stable operation, each host must have at least 1.5GB of memory. This baseline ensures that the Oracle database instance functions efficiently, especially in a cluster environment where additional resources handle cluster communication and failover.
User and Group Creation: Before deploying RAC, create dedicated users and groups. We create two groups: oinstall and dba, and two users: grid and oracle. The grid user manages Grid Infrastructure, while oracle is the database instance owner. Proper user and permission settings are essential for security and operational accuracy.
Installation Directory Creation: Each RAC node requires directories for Oracle software, Grid Infrastructure, and Cluster Resource Software (CRS). For example, /u01/app/11.2.0/grid and /u01/app/oracle are designated for Grid Infrastructure and database instances, with grid and oracle as respective owners, and oinstall as the group.
NTP Service Configuration: Synchronizing time across all cluster nodes is crucial since database operations rely on precise timestamps. Edit /etc/ntp.conf on RAC1 to set restrictions, and use the ntpdate command with cron jobs on RAC2 for regular time updates. Start NTP on RAC1, and set up a scheduled task on RAC2 to ensure consistency.
System Limits Adjustment: Configure /etc/security/limits.conf for oracle and grid users, setting soft and hard limits, including maximum open processes (nproc) and file descriptors (nofile). These adjustments boost Oracle RAC's performance and concurrency.
Kernel Parameter Optimization: Optimize system kernel parameters within /etc/sysctl.conf, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and enhancing database performance.
MySQL Documentation Overview
Oracle OCCI开发指南
提供关于Oracle OCCI数据库访问开发的详细指南,帮助开发人员深入理解和应用OCCI技术。OCCI是Oracle的C++接口,为开发者提供了高效的数据库操作能力。读者将通过本指南学习如何利用OCCI接口进行数据库访问和管理。