Library Borrowing Management System Key Points
1. System Overview
The Library Borrowing Management System is an information management tool designed for library environments. By leveraging computer technology, this system ensures efficient library resource management and optimized usage. In addition to traditional borrowing and returning functionalities, the system provides enhanced management features such as user authentication, book inventory management, library card issuance, book borrowing and returning, information search, and maintenance.
2. System Functional Modules
Based on requirements analysis, the system includes the following core modules:
- User Authentication
- Verifies identities for both administrators and readers, ensuring only authorized users can access the system.
Administrators have higher-level access, allowing additional operations such as data maintenance.
Book Inventory Management
- Manages the input of new books, including key information: ID, title, author, publisher, etc.
Supports batch imports for greater efficiency.
Library Card Issuance
- Issues library cards to new readers and records necessary details.
Provides loss reporting and replacement services.
Book Borrowing and Returning
- Enables readers to borrow books and logs borrowing dates.
Supports book returns, with overdue checks and fine calculations.
Information Search and Maintenance
- Offers query functions for book, reader, and borrowing records.
Allows administrators to edit and maintain book and reader information.
Overdue Management
- Automatically identifies and calculates fines for overdue books.
Supports special marking and notifications for overdue items.
Lost Books and Library Card Loss Management
- Allows readers to report lost books, with the system automatically calculating compensation.
- Provides library card loss and cancellation options for data security.
3. Detailed Requirements Analysis
- Data Requirements
- Reader Information: Including card ID, name, gender, etc.
- Book Category Standards: Category ID, name.
- Book Inventory: Book ID, title, category, author, etc.
- Borrowing Records: Card ID, book ID, borrowing date.
- Return Records: Card ID, book ID, return date.
Overdue Fines: Reader card ID, book ID, fine amount.
Transaction Requirements
- Reader Information Management: Supports querying, adding, deleting reader data.
- Book Information Management: Provides browsing and maintenance functions (add, delete).
- Borrowing Information Management: Browsing and maintenance of borrowing records.
- Return Information Management: Browsing and updating return records.
- Fine Management: Browsing and updating fine information.