Library Management System Detailed Design Documentation utilizes Visual Basic as the front-end application development tool, with Access as the back-end database, running on the Windows 2000 platform. The entire system is built using Microsoft’s operating systems and development tools, ensuring consistency, integrity, and ease of use for the application. As a typical information management system, the goal is to enhance the efficiency of managing and circulating library resources through computer technology.
System Components:
- User Management Module:
- Provides functionalities like user login, password modification, and security features. For instance, the system exits automatically after three failed login attempts.
Algorithm descriptions are created using PAD diagrams to ensure secure user authentication.
Library Business Data Flow:
Analyzes the data flow through Data Flow Diagrams to clarify input, processing, storage, and output, ensuring information flow logic.
Functional Module Design:
Includes core subsystems such as book borrowing, user management, and book information maintenance. Each module has distinct functions and relationships, such as loan rules, maintenance, and report generation.
Access Control:
- Implements high-level access control with database security authentication, enabling user creation and permission distribution.
- Custom access levels for different users like students and teachers, e.g., teachers can access restricted information views, ensuring data privacy.
Through this design, the Library Management System supports library operations effectively, enhances information management, and meets user needs across multiple user types. It is also scalable to accommodate future demands.