tuple calculus
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Tuple Relational Calculus ALPHA Database Update Operations Guide
5.1 Tuple Relational Calculus Language ALPHA - Update Operations
(1) Modification Operations with UPDATE Statement
The steps to execute an update operation in ALPHA are as follows:
Use the HOLD statement: Initially, retrieve the tuple to be modified from the database into the workspace using the HOLD statement.
Modify attributes in workspace: Modify the attributes of the tuple in the workspace using the host language.
Send modified tuple back with UPDATE: Finally, use the UPDATE statement to send the modified tuple back into the database.
Important Notes:
For simple data retrieval, the GET statement can be used directly.
However, to retrieve tuples specifically for modification, you must use the HOLD statement. This statement is a concurrent control-enabled version of GET.
Concurrency control details will be further elaborated in Chapter 5.
Calculating Calculus Problems with MATLAB Implementation