redo log

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Undo Mechanism The Undo mechanism in Oracle is a logical rollback mechanism that allows the database to be restored to the state before a transaction began. However, it's important to note that Undo does not physically restore the database to its original state, but logically cancels all changes. After rollback, the database structures and blocks might differ significantly from their original form. Collaboration between Redo and Undo There is a close collaboration between Redo and Undo mechanisms in Oracle. Even though Undo information is stored in the Undo tablespace or Undo segments, it is also protected by Redo. In essence, modifications to Undo data are treated like changes to table or index data and generate Redo logs, which are then written to the log files. This ensures that even if changes are rolled back, the integrity of the database is maintained. COMMIT Operation The COMMIT operation is designed to be a very fast operation, regardless of the transaction size. It doesn't involve much work but plays a crucial role. Prior to the COMMIT, all the hard work has already been done, including modifying the database data. When COMMIT is executed, the remaining work is simply to generate a System Change Number (SCN), write the redo log entries to disk via LGWR, and log the SCN in the online redo log files. Block Cleanout Block cleanout refers to clearing out the lock-related information from the header of a database block. This process is done without generating redo log entries, thus avoiding extra work in the future. This efficient handling helps in reducing the overhead during the transaction lifecycle. Importance of Redo and Undo The Redo and Undo mechanisms are core components of Oracle, working together to ensure the consistency and reliability of database transactions. The Redo mechanism ensures that all changes to the database are logged for recovery, while the Undo mechanism ensures that changes can be rolled back to their initial state if necessary. Their collaboration is critical in maintaining transaction integrity and data consistency across the system.
ApexSQL Log 2018
利用 SQL Server 日志文件,精准恢复数据。
Oracle备份恢复-redo文件损坏的各种场景恢复专题:redo文件损坏涉及到多种多样场景,具体场景可以分为四大部分: 1、按照redo的状态可以分为current、active和inactive; 2、按照数据库归档模式可以分为归档和非归档; 3、按照脏块有没写入数据文件可以分为有和无; 4、按照损坏时数据库的状态可以分为在线和关闭。
Log Parser日志分析工具
Log Parser是一款功能强大的工具,专用于解析和分析各类日志文件,包括网站访问日志等。在IT领域,准确解读和分析网站访问数据至关重要,能够帮助优化网站性能、改善用户体验并增强安全监控。该工具支持灵活的数据查询语言,能够处理大量结构化和非结构化数据。用户可以利用类SQL的查询语法进行数据筛选、聚合和排序,以获取关键的业务洞察。
ApexSql Log 2016免费下载
ApexSql Log是一款出色的数据库恢复工具,兼容SQL2005/2008/2012版本,能够帮助用户生成Delete/Update等误操作的数据恢复脚本。
利用检查点优化数据库故障恢复策略 本节讲解如何利用检查点结合REDO和UNDO操作实现更高效的数据库故障恢复。 核心概念: 检查点(Tc): 数据库运行过程中创建的一致性状态快照。 系统故障(Tf): 导致数据库非正常停止的事件。 REDO: 重做已提交事务的操作,确保数据持久化。 UNDO: 撤销未提交事务的操作,回滚至一致状态。 场景分析: 假设数据库在时间轴上经历了T1、T2、T3、T4、T5多个事务操作,并在T3时刻创建了检查点Tc。系统在Tf时刻发生故障。 恢复策略: 分析日志: 识别Tc之后开始但未完成的事务(例如T4、T5),以及在Tc之前已提交但数据尚未写入磁盘的事务(例如T2)。 REDO操作: 对T2以及T4、T5进行REDO操作,确保已提交事务的数据更新持久化到数据库。 无需REDO操作: 对于T1,由于其在Tc之前已完成且数据已落盘,无需进行REDO操作。 总结: 利用检查点可以缩小故障恢复范围,避免对所有事务进行REDO操作,从而提高恢复效率。
Ka Log Analyzer v1.65
Ka Log Analyzer工具分析服务器日志文件,提供网站统计分析新方法: 动态显示不同结果:指定“上下文”和“过滤关键字”可浏览指定访问者、IP地址对指定目录文件访问、图象文件访问、指定文件IP地址访问等信息。 “路径工具”可查看访问者依次浏览页面情况。 根据文件、访问者、点击率、唯一点击率等多种形式对结果排序。
ApexSQL Log 2016 功能解析
ApexSQL Log 2016 是一款数据库审计工具,能够追踪并回滚数据库变更,提供详细的操作记录,帮助用户进行数据恢复和安全审计。
业务逻辑类: LogBLL.cs 文本日志类: LogOper.cs 日志实体类: LogInfo.cs 支持:- MSSQL Server 2008 及更低版本- Oracle 11g 及更低版本 本示例包含:- DLL 文件- 配置文件- SQL 脚本- 调用示例
Matlab 开发利器:Log4Matlab
Log4Matlab 是一款基于 Apache Log4cxx 和 Log4j 开发的日志记录工具,为 Matlab 开发人员提供简便易用的日志记录功能。