Database Security

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Access Control Chapter 4-Database Security
存取控制(续) 自主存取控制(Discretionary Access Control,简称DAC)是一种重要的存取控制方法。在C2级别下,用户对不同的数据对象拥有不同的存取权限。同一对象的不同用户也可能具备不同的权限,此外,用户还可以将其拥有的存取权限转授给其他用户。
MySQL是一款开源、免费的关系型数据库管理系统,由Oracle公司持有并维护。它以其高效性、稳定性和易用性在IT行业中广泛应用,尤其在Web应用程序中,MySQL是开发者首选的数据库解决方案之一。MySQL基于SQL(Structured Query Language)标准,支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、Unix等,并能够无缝集成到PHP、Java、Python、C++等多种编程语言中。 主要特性: 高性能:MySQL采用了优化的查询引擎和存储引擎,如InnoDB和MyISAM,能够快速处理大量数据,提供高并发性能。 高可用性:支持主从复制和集群部署,确保数据安全和服务连续性。主服务器的数据变更会实时同步到从服务器,实现读写分离,提升系统性能。 安全性:MySQL提供用户权限管理、数据加密、SSL连接等功能,确保数据安全不被非法访问。 易于扩展:通过分区、索引、缓存等技术,应对数据量的增长,满足高扩展性需求。 易于使用:MySQL的安装和使用简单,SQL语法直观,且有丰富的文档和社区支持。 开源:MySQL源代码开放,允许用户根据需要进行定制和修改,降低企业的总体拥有成本。 跨平台:支持不同操作系统,适应各种开发环境。 存储引擎多样化:支持InnoDB、MyISAM、Memory等多种存储引擎,用户可根据业务需求选择合适引擎。 备份与恢复:提供多种备份工具,如mysqldump,方便进行全备、增量备份及恢复。 触发器和存储过程:支持自定义触发器和存储过程,能实现复杂业务逻辑。 MySQL常与其他开源软件组合使用,例如LAMP架构(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)构建动态网站。MySQL已成为多个大型互联网公司的基础架构,如Facebook和Twitter等。
CAM:安全访问控制管理和身份信息 tTrust安全访问管理基于身份信息和规则进行访问授权管理,特别是在企业身份认证的支持下,可以对企业身份进行授权管理。Trust安全访问管理采用安全数据属性控制、用户属性控制和权限分配三层体系结构来进行具有充分柔韧性的安全访问管理。 tTrust主要包含以下权限集合:- System Change- User Change- Session admin- ObjectSys admin- Object Admin- ObjectAttr Admin Trust特别对于Object权限做了充分的扩展,提供了no rows、one rows、few rows、many rows以及all rows扩展,使用户可以细致的控制对于敏感数据的访问控制。
WD Security 网络版设置指南
WD Security(西数硬盘加密软件)是一款操作简便的硬盘加密工具。使用该软件仅需几个简单步骤即可完成硬盘加密。软件支持多达25个数字和符号的密码组合,有效保障数据安全。此外,该软件直接对硬盘进行加密,保证数据完整性。其特点包括体积小、操作简单、安全可靠,非常适合个人和企业进行数据保护。欢迎有需求的朋友下载体验。
Audit Log of Security Events in MD5Encryption
Advanced Oracle DBA Best Practices for Performance and Security Optimization
Oracle DBA is a complex system that requires precise configuration and tuning to ensure database security and performance. This article covers multiple aspects of Oracle DBA adjustment and optimization, including password management, performance tuning, log management, and storage management. 1. Password Management is a critical aspect of Oracle DBA, as the security of passwords directly impacts the overall database security. By default, database user passwords expire after 180 days. To prevent this, you can adjust the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME parameter to control the lifespan of passwords. 1.1 Adjusting PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: The PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME parameter controls the lifespan of passwords, which is set to 180 days by default. Adjusting this parameter ensures that passwords remain valid without causing database connection issues due to expiration. 2. Performance Tuning is key to maintaining database efficiency. Proper performance tuning can significantly improve the response time and throughput of the database. 1.2 Setting Dump File Size Limit: The size of dump files directly impacts database performance. Setting an appropriate limit for dump file size can enhance database performance. 1.3 Adjusting Default Partition Size: Default partition size adjustments can affect database performance. A reasonable partition size will help improve response time. 1.4 Disabling Automatic Undo Retention Adjustment: Disabling this feature can help optimize database performance. 1.5 Setting Parallel Process Limits: The number of parallel processes directly affects performance. Proper limits can improve database responsiveness. 1.6 Controlling the Retention Time of Control Files: Adjusting control file retention times enhances database security. 1.7 Disabling Delayed Initialization of Extents in 11g: Disabling delayed extent initialization can improve performance. 1.8 Disabling Result Cache: Turning off the result_cache improves performance by reducing resource consumption. 1.9 Disabling Login/Logout Auditing: Disabling login and logout auditing can significantly improve database performance. 1.10 Adjusting AWR Retention Time: Proper AWR retention time helps in optimizing database performance. 1.11 Disabling Adaptive Cursor Sharing: Turning off adaptive cursor sharing will reduce resource consumption and enhance performance. 1.12 Disabling Cardinality Feedback: Disabling cardinality feedback helps improve performance and reduce resource usage. 1.13 Configuring Events 28401 and 10949: Configuring these events can affect database performance and efficiency."
Spring Security OAuth2.0基础SQL文件需求
Spring Security OAuth2.0所需的基础SQL文件详细说明。
E10575-2Day Security Guide for Oracle 11g
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Oracle 11g Security measures, specifically curated for users looking to master the Security Guide features. This official English version offers essential insights into secure database management practices for Oracle 11g, ensuring a strong foundation in database protection and data privacy techniques. Key topics covered include user access management, data encryption, and audit configurations. Each section is structured to enhance understanding, with step-by-step instructions and practical tips for deploying secure Oracle 11g systems.
Relational Database Data Structure Fundamentals of Oracle Database