

SQL2000 Sample Database Overview
In this guide, we explore SQLSERVER 2K sample databases: NorthWind and pubs. These databases provide structured data for practicing SQL operations, queries, and procedures. NorthWind simulates a trading company database, ideal for testing sales, orders, and products, while pubs contains data relevant to publishing. Together, they offer a robust foundation for understanding relational database management.
MySQL Sample Database Distribution Package for sampdb
mult_comp_perm_t1Multi-sample/Paired-sample Permutation T-test with Multiple Comparison Correction in MATLAB
This function performs a permutation test for the null hypothesis that a sample is drawn from a symmetric distribution with a specific mean. The test is based on the t-statistic and is applicable to both single-sample and paired-sample/repeated measures t-tests. Unlike traditional parametric t-tests, this method does not assume that the data comes from a Gaussian distribution, making it more versatile. This function can test a single variable or multiple variables simultaneously. When applying the test to multiple variables, the 'tmax' method is used to adjust the p-values for multiple comparisons (Blair & Karniski, 1993). Similar to Bonferroni correction, this method adjusts p-values to control the family-wise error rate. However, when the variables tested are correlated, the permutation method is more powerful than Bonferroni correction. Reference: Blair, RC & Karniski, W. (1993). An alternative method for significance testing of waveform differences. Psychophysiology.
Mastering Oracle JDeveloper 11g ADF Sample Tutorial
Oracle JDeveloper 11g ADF Sample 学习啦!将帮助您深入了解Oracle的开发工具,带您快速掌握JDeveloper 11g ADF的核心内容。让我们一起加油,提升oracle技能吧! 1. 认识 JDeveloper 11g JDeveloper 11g 是 Oracle 提供的强大 IDE,它支持多种开发语言和框架,非常适合进行应用程序开发。 2. ADF 的功能亮点 Oracle ADF(Application Development Framework)简化了应用程序的开发流程,帮助开发人员快速搭建功能丰富的企业应用。 3. 样例学习的价值 通过ADF Sample 的学习,可以快速掌握基础知识,获得实际操作的经验。
1、scan命令可高效遍历大量key,特别适合生产环境中的查询需求; 2、动态调整Key的有效期可以有效避免缓存雪崩问题,基于时间累加更新; 3、该脚本支持重复执行,能够确保在缓存有效期未变化时更新成功。
Unix Oracle最终定稿脚本
GenData.sh是Unix Oracle系统的最终版本定稿脚本。
Oracle 11g SH用户初始化脚本
该资源提供Oracle 11g数据库中SH用户的创建脚本以及相关表的创建语句和模拟数据的插入脚本。适用于不具备数据泵(exp/imp)权限,需要快速搭建SH用户环境的场景。