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Oracle 10g RAC Linux AS 4安装指南
本指南详细介绍如何在Linux AS 4上安装Oracle 10g RAC。
Install 12c RAC on Linux 6.4PUB V2 Prepare the environment: Ensure your Linux 6.4PUB system meets the hardware and software requirements. Download Oracle 12c RAC installation files from Oracle’s official site. Configure the network settings: Set up public and private IPs for the nodes in your cluster. Install dependencies: Ensure all required software packages (e.g., oracleasm, oracle-database-preinstall-18c, etc.) are installed. Configure storage: Set up shared storage (such as ASM or NFS) for the cluster. Set up Oracle Grid Infrastructure: Run the Grid installation and configure clusterware. Install Oracle RAC software: Use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to install the RAC software. Create the database: Use the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create your Oracle RAC database. Validate the installation: Run checks to ensure the cluster and RAC are functioning correctly. Perform post-installation tasks: Set up backups, apply patches, and tune performance.
Oracle 11g RAC在Redhat AS4上的部署指南
在Redhat AS4操作系统上,实现Oracle的RAC架构,需要使用两台物理服务器。
在Red Hat Linux AS4上配置Oracle 10gR2 RAC
在Red Hat Linux AS4上配置Oracle 10gR2 RAC的过程包括多个步骤,确保系统能够支持高可用性和性能要求。这需要详细的操作指南和配置调整,以确保Oracle数据库集群的顺利部署和运行。
Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC(Real Application Clusters)是一种集群数据库解决方案,提供高可用性、可扩展性和故障转移功能,以确保关键业务应用程序的持续运行。
在VMware Server中配置RedHat AS4 UP2和Oracle RAC 10g
在VMware Server上安装RedHat AS4 UP2和Oracle RAC 10g的过程涉及到多个步骤,包括操作系统的安装和配置,以及Oracle RAC 10g的安装和配置过程。
操作系统: SERVER_2008 文档类型: RAC安装详细文档 适用人群: RAC安装初学者
Oracle RAC 集群
Oracle RAC 集群
这本资料介绍了ORACLE RAC,非常值得一看。