exploration seismology
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Data Parity Structure in Exploration Seismology with MATLAB Algorithms
Ⅱ.3.5 Data Parity Structure
Data signals contain parity codes based on the following rules.
Ⅱ.3.5.1 Parity Rules
A 24-byte CRC parity provides protection against undetected destructive errors, with an error probability of ≤ 5.96×10⁻⁸ or about ≤ 0.5 channel byte errors. The CRC word is computed from the given information bits, driving them towards zero. The resulting 24-byte output (p₁, p₂,..., p₂₄) is generated from the information bytes (m₁, m₂,..., m₂₇₆) using a polynomial code. Here, the code bits gi=1 (for positions i=0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 23, and 24) define this code, known as CRC-24Q (Q represents Qualcomm Corporation). The polynomial generator in binary algebraic form is as follows:
[Binary Polynomial Representation]
This polynomial ensures robust data integrity in exploration seismology data transmission processes.
Heart MATLAB Basics for Lunar Exploration Visualization