Orbital Mechanics

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Matlab Development in Computational Applications for Material Mechanics
Matlab Fluid Mechanics Standard Parameter Calculation Software
This is the Matlab fluid mechanics calculation software designed to compute standard parameters in fluid dynamics. The software is developed using Qt and is compatible with Matlab for calculations. The tool is available as 'V1.0.1 boxed.zip' for direct use through the '标准大气参数计算软件.exe' executable. Additionally, you can perform calculations manually using the 'calculate.m' script in Matlab. The software relies on standard equations for fluid mechanics parameter calculations. The program was created in Qt Creator 4.11.0 and supports Qt 5.14.1 (MinGW 64-bit). For more detailed information, please refer to the included help file in Chinese.
Ground Track Plotting Orbital Ground Tracks from Planetary Coordinates in MATLAB
ground_track 函数根据给定的行星坐标(即行星的纬度和经度)绘制轨道的地面轨迹。其基本语法如下: ground_track(lat, lon) ground_track(lat, lon, color) ground_track(lat, lon, [], line_width) ground_track(lat, lon, color, line_width) ground_track(lat, lon, __, planet) ground_track(lat, lon) 函数绘制围绕地球的轨道的地面轨迹,并将其叠加在地球地图上,地图仅显示大陆轮廓。lat 和 lon 分别是行星的大地纬度和经度值的向量。默认情况下,地面轨迹的颜色为蓝色,线宽为 1.5。 ground_track(lat, lon, color) 用来指定自定义颜色绘制地面轨迹,默认的线宽为 1.5。 ground_track(lat, lon, [], line_width) 可以自定义线宽,默认情况下颜色仍为蓝色。 ground_track(lat, lon, color, line_width) 同时自定义颜色和线宽。 ground_track(lat, lon, __, planet) 允许绘制其他行星的地面轨迹,planet 参数用来指定行星的名称或标识。 此函数为科研和工程应用中的轨道分析提供了有效的工具,帮助研究者可视化卫星或其他航天器的轨道动态。
Self-Winding Rope-Lagrangian Mechanics Animation of a Self-Winding Rope Based on the Lagrange Equation-MATLAB Development