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Oracle Instant Client Basic NT 11.2.0下载
Oracle Instant Client Basic NT 11.2.0是经过验证可靠的版本,适用于Windows操作系统。这一版本提供了数据库连接所需的基本功能,是开发和部署Oracle应用程序的理想选择。
Oracle Instant Client Basic for Windows x64 11.2.0
Instant Client Package - Basic: 所有文件均为运行OCI、OCCI和JDBC-OCI应用程序所需。下载链接:instantclient-basic-windows.x64- (54,956,947 bytes)。
InstantClient Basic Installation for Windows x86_64 11.2.0
Oracle Instant Client is a lightweight database connection tool provided by Oracle for operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. It enables application communication with an Oracle database without needing a full Oracle database server installation. The file \"instantclient-basic-win-x86-64-\" is a compressed package of the essential components specifically designed for 64-bit Windows systems, version Main Components oci.dll: The Oracle Call Interface (OCI), the primary API for Oracle databases, allows developers to use C or C++ to access Oracle databases. The oci.dll file is the core dynamic link library for this interface. sqlplus.exe: SQLPlus is Oracle's command-line tool, enabling users to execute SQL statements, PL/SQL blocks*, and manage database objects. tnsnames.ora: A configuration file defining network service names for database connections. This file allows users to connect to different Oracle database instances with ease. network/admin directory: This directory contains files related to network configuration, such as ldap.ora and sqlnet.ora, which are used to configure Oracle Net Services (Oracle's network communication layer). Additional Support Libraries: Libraries such as libclntsh.dll and ocijdbc11.dll provide interaction capabilities between Oracle databases and programming languages like Java and PL/SQL. Key Installation Considerations Environment Variable Setup: Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the Instant Client installation directory and extend the PATH variable to include the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. Library Dependencies: Ensure that the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008 or a newer version is installed to meet runtime library dependency requirements for the 64-bit Oracle Instant Client. Compatibility: Confirm compatibility with your operating system and database requirements.
Oracle Instant Client 11.2.0安装程序(分卷压缩)
自己制作的 Oracle Instant Client 11.2.0 安装程序,支持自动设置环境变量。安装包内包含了示例的 tnsnames.ora 文件,便于快速配置和连接 Oracle 数据库。由于文件较大,已分卷压缩为多个部分进行下载。此为卷 2,请确保先下载卷 1。
这是一个简化版的oracle11g,适用于Windows 32位x86平台。此压缩包专为学习和研究而设计,方便数据库爱好者避免多次下载安装庞大的oracle db server。如有疑问,请随时联系我。
Linux x86-64 11.2.0版Instant Client SDK下载
Oracle 11.2.0.x86_64.rpm安装包下载
Oracle 11是一款功能强大的数据库管理系统,提供了稳定和高效的数据处理能力。通过安装包oracle-11.2.0.x86_64.rpm,用户可以轻松获取并部署这一数据库系统。该安装包支持多种操作系统平台,为用户提供了灵活且可靠的数据库解决方案。
Oracle数据库11R2 11.2.0 WIN X86 32位企业版下载指南
Oracle数据库11R2 11.2.0 WIN X86 32位企业版适用于32位Windows平台,包括XP和2003系统。具体版本为11.2.0.2,在国外网站上花费了两天时间才找到,建议使用离线下载以提高速度和稳定性。
Linux x86-64平台下的即时客户端开发工具包(版本11.2.0)
针对Linux x86-64平台,提供了即时客户端的开发工具包,支持广泛的应用场景。
Oracle 11.2.0.x Linux x64的最新版OPatch v11.发布情况(2016-08-26更新)
截至2017-04-10,最新版本的ORACLE补丁工具OPatch v11.已发布,适用于Oracle 11.2.0.x Linux x64操作系统。