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Discrete and Polyhedral Geometry: Selected Topics
Recent decades have witnessed a surge of interest in Discrete Geometry and Convex Polytopes. This book serves as a gateway to some captivating facets of this field, encompassing both well-established concepts and lesser-known, historical, and cutting-edge findings. It is crucial to note that this is not intended as an exhaustive or conventional introduction to the field. The content originated from lecture notes for a course taught at MIT, subsequently expanded upon due to the richness and relative scarcity of the material elsewhere. The presentation prioritizes self-containment to the greatest extent possible. This work should not be mistaken for a research monograph or a comprehensive survey of results. The exposition varies in complexity, aiming to balance accessibility with depth.
Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques 中文版
《Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques》是数据库领域的经典著作,详细阐述了数据库事务处理的理论和实践。书中介绍了事务的ACID特性:原子性确保所有操作要么全部完成要么全部不完成,一致性保证事务结束后数据库状态符合业务规则,隔离性防止并发事务干扰,持久性保证事务提交后结果永久保存。此外,还讨论了事务的提交、回滚和并发控制机制,以及分布式事务处理的挑战和解决方案。适合高校学生和数据库专业人士阅读。
BEGIN-END语句在T-SQL中用于创建一个语句块,将多条T-SQL语句组合在一起执行。 语句块在执行时被视为单个语句,常用于条件语句(如IF-ELSE)和循环语句(如WHILE)中。
SQL Server培训资料BEGIN...END语句详解
2.BEGIN...END语句tBEGIN...END语句允许将多个Transact-SQL语句组合成一个语句块,作为一个单元进行处理。在条件语句和循环等控制流程中,当需要根据特定条件执行两个或多个语句时,需采用BEGIN...END语句。其语法格式为: tBEGIN { sql_statement | statement_block } END