

Titan Core 0.4.0 库
Titan Core 0.4.0 库 Titan Core 是 Titan 图数据库的核心库,提供基础的数据结构和操作功能。此版本为 0.4.0,对应的 Maven 坐标为 com.thinkaurelius.titan:titan-core:0.4.0。
Spark Core 2.10-1.1.0
Spark Core 2.10-1.1.0 是 Apache Spark 的核心组件,版本号为 1.1.0,使用 Scala 2.10 构建。
Oracle Core Internals for DBAs and Developers
A very good book for Oracle, it is about Oracle internal for DBA and developer.
MyBatis Generator Core 1.3.5 使用指南
MyBatis Generator Core 1.3.5 版本提供基于数据库表结构自动生成 MyBatis 相关代码的功能,包括实体类、Mapper XML 文件以及数据库操作接口。该版本集成了 Oracle 数据库的 JDBC 驱动程序 (ojdbc6.jar),并附带命令脚本 (command.txt) 和配置文件示例 (generatorConfig.xml),用户解压后即可直接使用。
Mybatis Generator与Lombok整合的最新版本是1.3.7,下载后即可直接使用。
Mastering SQLite and SQL Core Relational Database Techniques
SQLite and SQL: In-depth Understanding of Core Relational Database Technologies 1. SQLite Overview SQLite is a lightweight, embedded database engine widely used across various operating systems and applications, particularly on mobile devices. It supports standard SQL language and offers excellent portability and reliability. One of SQLite's core strengths lies in its lightweight design, allowing easy integration into various applications without requiring a separate server setup. 2. Fundamentals of SQL Language SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing relational databases, designed to process and manipulate structured data stored in databases. SQL can be divided into four main parts: Data Query Language (DQL): Primarily uses the SELECT statement to retrieve data from the database. Data Manipulation Language (DML): Includes INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements for adding, modifying, or deleting data. Data Definition Language (DDL): Uses commands like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP to create, modify, or delete database objects such as tables and views. Data Control Language (DCL): Manages transactions with COMMIT and ROLLBACK to ensure data consistency and integrity. 3. Creating Databases and Tables Creating a Database: In SQLite, the database creation process is straightforward. By entering sqlite3 mydatabase.db in the command line, you can create a database file named mydatabase.db. Similarly, using the sqlite3_open() function with the database file name enables database creation in programming interfaces. Creating Tables: Tables form the core of relational databases. In SQLite, a new table can be created using the CREATE TABLE command. Example: CREATE TABLE Persons ( Id_P INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, LastName TEXT NOT NULL, FirstName TEXT, Address TEXT, City TEXT ); Here, Persons is the table name, and each field specifies a name and data type. The PRIMARY KEY designates the unique identifier column in the table. 4. Indexes Indexes can significantly improve data retrieval speed. In particular, indexes enhance query performance in large databases, making data access more efficient.
Fixing PrivilegedActionException in Hadoop-core-1.2.1on Windows
遇到的问题: ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:chuck Failed to set permissions of path. 分析问题:属于windows下的eclipse中访问的权限问题,需要重新打包hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar包,主要是注释checkReturnValue方法。 环境: eclipse 4.4.2, window系统, hadoop 1.2.1。 结论:已解决我的问题,可以正常访问hadoop集群。