

MySQL 5.1.55 for Windows 32-bit
MySQL 5.1.55 适用于 Windows 32 位系统。
Redis for Windows 7 (64-bit & 32-bit)
提供适用于 Windows 7 系统的 Redis 安装包,包含 64 位和 32 位版本。解压后即可使用。
Oracle Instant Client Basic for Windows 32-bit
Oracle Instant Client Basic是Oracle数据库的一个轻量级解决方案,专为需要仅基本功能的客户端应用程序而设计。它提供了连接到Oracle数据库所需的基本工具和库。这个客户端不需要Oracle的标准客户端安装,是一个独立的安装包。
MySQL-Python Windows 32-bit vs 64-bit Installation Guide
MySQL-Python for Windows: 32-bit and 64-bit Versions MySQL-Python is an interface between the Python programming language and MySQL databases, allowing Python programs to interact with MySQL. It is based on DB-API (Python Database API), a widely used standard API for accessing various database syste
SSMA for Oracle 6.0 with license (64 32-bit universal).rar
Microsoft's database migration tool (SSMA) version allows Oracle (9i, 10g, 11g, etc.) to be converted to SQL Server 2008, 2008R2, 2014, etc. SSMA for Oracle 6.0 with license (64 32-bit universal) Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant 6.0 for Oracle facilitates the migration of Oracle databases to
MySQL Connector ODBC 5.1.6 32-bit Driver Installation for Windows
The MySQL Connector ODBC 5.1.6 for Windows is an ODBC driver that allows applications to connect to MySQL databases. This specific version, mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.6-win32.msi, is designed for 32-bit systems. To install it, simply run the MSI installer and follow the on-screen instructions to confi
Oracle 11g Installation Guide for Win7 32-bit
Oracle 11g 安装方法 Win7 32位安装步骤如下:1. 下载并解压 Oracle 11g 安装包。2. 双击 setup.exe 启动安装程序。3. 按照向导提示进行安装,选择 典型安装。4. 输入 Oracle 安装目录和数据库信息。5. 配置 监听器 和 服务。6. 完成安装并重启计算机。7. 测试 Oracle 数据库连接。
Cloudera Impala ODBC Connector v2.5.36 for Windows 32-Bit Download Guide
Cloudera Impala ODBC Connector 2.5.36 for Windows 32-bit is designed to help users connect to and leverage Impala's high-performance database engine through ODBC. This connector supports seamless data access, enabling you to work efficiently with large datasets. Key Features: Enhanced Compatibility
PLSQL Developer绿色注册版(32-bit)下载与激活信息
PLSQL Developer 英文绿色注册版(32位) Product Code: 4vkjwhfeh3ufnqnmpr9brvcuyujrx3n3leSerial Number: 226959Password: xs374ca
Windows (x86, 32-bit)下的libmysql.dll和libmysql.lib下载指南
在Windows (x86, 32-bit)平台上,您可以获取libmysql.dll和libmysql.lib的最新版本v6.1.11.0。本指南适用于Windows 10操作系统。