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Using GCC-PHAT for Sound Source Localization in Linear Microphone Arrays with MATLAB
GCC-PHAT is a straightforward method for sound source localization. This MATLAB code allows angle localization of a sound source using a linear microphone array (with an example setup of 8 microphones). The code processes continuous sound signals (.wav format) captured by the array. Multiple sources can be detected as long as each source has distinct time intervals when emitting sound, without overlapping emission periods. This code is primarily designed for introductory learning purposes. It provides a basic understanding of GCC-PHAT and includes a brief documentation for guidance. Note: It is not suitable for those seeking to perform accurate or complex localization tasks. Key Features Processes linear microphone arrays (example: 8 microphones) Localizes sound angles based on non-simultaneous multiple sources Includes a basic documentation for learning purposes This tool is ideal for beginners aiming to understand the fundamental concepts behind GCC-PHAT in sound source localization.
在Windows下使用GCC操作MySQL将Mysql .lib文件转换成.a文件
在Windows操作系统中,使用GCC编译器操作MySQL时,首要步骤是将现有的Mysql .lib文件转换为.a文件。
CentOS 6.4下安装必备的gcc-C++-4.4.4-13.el6.x86_64.rpm包
为了顺利完成数据库安装,您需要在CentOS 6.4系统中安装gcc-C++-4.4.4-13.el6.x86_64.rpm包。
MATLAB R2017b和R2018a MinGW64离线安装包(gcc-5.3)全系统适用
之前有一个版本只支持32位系统,现在这个版本支持32位和64位系统,适用于MATLAB R2017b和R2018a。