

Sequence优化: 性能提升之道
Sequence: 便利与性能的平衡 Sequence在数据库操作中提供了便利,但其特性也可能影响性能。* 连续性: Sequence无法保证绝对的连续性,这在某些场景下可能导致问题。* 缓存: 不恰当的缓存设置可能导致性能下降。 优化Sequence使用,需要仔细评估其必要性并进行合理的配置,以在便利性和性能之间取得平衡。
在Sql Server数据库中,插入操作时可以设置自动编号,但是在ORACLE数据库中,有一个特有的功能叫做SEQUENCE,它在这里被介绍。
Efficient Algorithms for Frequent Sequence Mining and Load Value Prediction
This research focuses on developing novel algorithms for two key areas: frequent sequence mining in transactional databases and enhanced load value prediction. A novel algorithm, SPAM (Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm), is introduced to efficiently discover frequent sequences, even those of considerable length. SPAM leverages advanced pruning and indexing techniques to optimize its search. Furthermore, the research explores load value prediction (LVP) through identifying frequent patterns within program memory access traces. These discovered patterns serve as the foundation for developing efficient pre-fetching strategies, leading to improved performance.
Oracle自动递增字段创建方法-ORACLE SEQUENCE详解
Oracle自动递增字段创建方法-ORACLE SEQUENCE详解非常实用。