Data Visualization

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Practical R for Statistical Analysis and Visualization
This book provides a comprehensive guide to utilizing R for data analysis and creating effective graphical representations. Through practical examples, readers will gain a deep understanding of R's statistical functionalities, with a particular emphasis on its powerful visualization capabilities.
IBM Data Server for .NET
DB2 驱动
Philosophical Insights in Data Mining
This English paper delves into the philosophical underpinnings of data mining, exploring its implications beyond technical methodologies. It employs specialized language to navigate complex concepts and theories, inviting readers to engage with the deeper significance of extracting knowledge from data.
System.Data.SQLite.dll版本:,兼容VS2010和.Net Framework 4.0
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8
MDAC 2.8 安装的数据访问核心组件与 SQL Server OLE DB Provider 和 ODBC Driver 相同。它不包括 Microsoft Jet、Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider、Desktop Database Drivers ODBC Driver 或 Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver。
Oracle Data Guard 故障切换
Oracle Data Guard 提供了一种故障切换机制,可在出现故障时确保数据库的高可用性。它建立了一个备用数据库,可在主数据库发生故障时接管。
Oracle Data Guard 管理指南
本指南概述了 Oracle Data Guard 的安装和维护流程,包括以下主题: 安装 Data Guard 配置 Data Guard 监控 Data Guard 故障排除 Data Guard 本指南为数据库管理员提供有关如何有效管理 Oracle Data Guard 环境所需的信息。
Oracle Data Guard 实践指南
提供关于 Oracle Data Guard 的分步指南,帮助读者深入了解和掌握 Data Guard 的配置和使用。文章内容涵盖从基础概念到实际操作的各个方面,并结合实际案例进行讲解,力求清晰易懂,实用性强。