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Solution Using PMBOK 5th Edition with Cursor and Mutex
解决方案 使用 cursor: mutex S 关键字,可以从找到的相关资料中看出有效的信息和实践经验。
bodedm Programmatically Generate Bode Plot with Margin Display as Data Cursor-MATLAB Development
This example demonstrates how to use the bodedm function in MATLAB to generate a Bode plot while displaying margins as data cursors. By using just the transfer function, the function allows for a convenient visualization of system behavior and stability. Example code: clc; clear; close all; T = 1; k = 5 * 100 * 50; z = []; p = [0 -30 -50]; Gs = zpk(z,p,k); bodedm(Gs); grid; In this code:- Gs is the transfer function in zero-pole-gain form.- The bodedm function automatically generates the Bode plot and shows the margins using data cursors for easy analysis.- Grid is used to enhance the plot's readability.
Informix与Oracle的不同之处及实战总结 一、使用Cursor实现Merge功能 在数据库操作中,有时需要根据特定逻辑对数据进行合并(merge)。在这种情况下,使用CURSOR来辅助实现是一个不错的选择。例如,在Informix中,可以通过定义一个CURSOR在临时表TMP_TRUNK_ERROR上,并逐行处理这些记录来实现合并。 具体步骤如下: 定义Cursor: 在TMP_TRUNK_ERROR表上定义一个CURSOR。sqlDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM TMP_TRUNK_ERROR; 打开Cursor并获取数据: 使用OPEN命令打开CURSOR,并通过FETCH获取每一行的数据。sqlOPEN my_cursor;FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @row; 处理数据: 对于每一条获取到的数据,检查在目标表TRUNK_ERROR中是否存在相同的记录。sqlSELECT COUNT(*) INTO @exists FROM TRUNK_ERROR WHERE condition = @row.condition;如果存在相同记录,则更新该记录;如果不存在,则插入新记录。sqlIF @exists > 0 THENUPDATE TRUNK_ERROR SET field = @row.field WHERE condition = @row.condition;ELSEINSERT INTO TRUNK_ERROR (field1, field2, ...) VALUES (@row.field1, @row.field2, ...);END IF; 以上是通过Cursor实现Merge操作的流程。在Informix和Oracle的实现上有不同之处,需要注意区别。