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Matlab中基于深度神经网络(DNN)的单通道语音增强技术,利用DNN估计STFT字段中语音的相位信息,以提升语音质量和清晰度。在运行代码时,需注意如下顺序调整:isseq = [1, 1, 1]; % 控制三个阶段:混合、获取特征、训练和测试DNN。演示包含DNN模型和BLSTM模型生成的wav演示。示例包括使用TIMIT corpurs的不同噪声环境和发言人,以及SNR的变化。
4.4 系统服务器需求评估 本系统每月采集数据约为 59 TB。服务器计算需求详见表3,计算结果表明系统共需 18台服务器。 4.5 系统拓扑结构 本系统采用 吉比特网络 接入 Hadoop 平台,各节点配置 4端口吉比特,接入到两台冗余的交换机,以 网卡聚合 提升网络安全性和稳定性。多台应用服务器的负载均衡由 DCN 接入层 的负载均衡器提供支持,拓扑结构如图2所示。 5 用户行为分析模型设计与应用 5.1 用户行为分析模型设计思路 本系统将原用于计费的数据深度挖掘,提取用户行为属性,构建包含以下六类的用户行为模式: 规律性 平均通话间隔(average inter-call time):统计用户每次通话的平均时间间隔,以秒计量。 平均短信间隔(average inter-text time):统计用户收发短信的平均时间间隔。 平均上网间隔(average inter-internet time):统计用户上网的平均时间间隔,包括 2G、3G 和 Wi-Fi。 多元性、空间行为、活动行为、使用行为 及 关联性 等六类关键行为指标,通过这些数据指标构建完整的用户行为模式。
ESP_DNN Graph Convolutional Deep Neural Network for Electrostatic Potential Surface Prediction in DFT(MATLAB Source Code)
ESP-DNN: Graph Convolutional Deep Neural Network for Predicting Electrostatic Potential Surfaces from DFT Calculations This repository contains trained models and code designed for generating ligands and proteins, creating electrostatic potential (ESP) surfaces that closely resemble DFT-quality molecular surfaces. The PQR files generated by our model include atomic charges and dipole-like atomic features, such as lone pairs, σ-conjugation, and p-orbitals. To generate ligand PQR files, a graph convolutional deep neural network (DNN) model was trained on about 100,000 molecules with ESP surfaces derived from DFT calculations. For proteins, parameterized charges of amino acids were used, ensuring compatibility with the ligand ESP surfaces generated by the DNN model. For more detailed methods and validation information, refer to the full documentation. System Requirements The program can only run on 64-bit Linux operating systems. Installation Instructions To run ESP-DNN, you will need to:1. Clone this repository.2. Set up Python and required dependencies.3. (Optional) Install additional packages. The package has been developed and tested with Python 2.7 and the following third-party libraries:- rdkit == 2018.09.3- keras == 2.2.4- tensorflow == 1.10.0- num