spatial database

当前话题为您枚举了最新的spatial database。在这里,您可以轻松访问广泛的教程、示例代码和实用工具,帮助您有效地学习和应用这些核心编程技术。查看页面下方的资源列表,快速下载您需要的资料。我们的资源覆盖从基础到高级的各种主题,无论您是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能找到有价值的信息。

Oracle Spatial学习指南
学习Oracle Spatial的入门指南
Oracle Spatial用户指南.pdf
在10g 10.2和11g版本中,Spatial没有用户指南了。
ArcSDE与Oracle Spatial的比较
ArcSDE与Oracle Spatial是两种常用的空间数据存储解决方案。ArcSDE主要用于Esri的GIS平台,提供了高效的空间数据管理和查询能力。而Oracle Spatial是Oracle数据库的空间扩展,集成了强大的空间数据处理功能。在性能方面,ArcSDE在处理大规模空间数据时表现出色,而Oracle Spatial则更适合需要与传统关系型数据紧密集成的应用场景。在功能上,ArcSDE提供了丰富的GIS功能和工具,而Oracle Spatial则通过其SQL扩展实现了复杂的空间查询和分析。总体而言,选择合适的解决方案取决于具体的应用需求和IT基础架构。
Chapter 12An Overview of Spatial Databases
Spatial databases are specialized database management systems designed to handle and store data containing geographic or spatial information. In 1994, R.H. Güting defined spatial databases not just as database management systems but as systems providing spatial data types with support for spatial operations within query languages. These databases optimize spatial data processing through spatial indexes and efficient join algorithms, such as spatial joins. Spatial databases are closely related to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which are systems used to collect, store, manage, analyze, and display various types of geographic data. Spatial databases form the core component of GIS, managing and processing spatial data. GIS, integrated with spatial databases, facilitates the querying, editing, and analysis of geographic information. Spatial Database Architectures Spatial database architectures primarily fall into three categories:- Layered Architecture: Adds spatial extensions as an independent module on top of traditional DBMS.- Integrated Architecture: Natively incorporates spatial functions within the database software.- Extensible Architecture: Uses DBMS’s own customizable data types to support spatial functionality. Types and Formats of Spatial Databases A variety of spatial database products are available, including commercial and open-source types.- Commercial spatial databases: Oracle Spatial, Informix spatial data blade, IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, and ESRI SDE are popular examples, often offering comprehensive functions and support.- Open-source spatial databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL/PostGIS are widely adopted due to their open-source nature. Spatial Data Standards and Formats The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), formerly known as OpenGIS, is an international organization dedicated to developing standards to achieve interoperability between different systems. OpenGIS specifications include the Simple Features Specification (SFS), which defines representations and manipulations for geometric objects (e.g., points, lines, surfaces) across various programming environments. Spatial data formats for data exchange include Well-Known Text (WKT). Spatial Data Types in MySQL MySQL supports spatial data types such as Geometry (non-instantiable), Point, Curve, LineString, Surface, Polygon, GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiCurve, MultiLineString, MultiSurface, and MultiPolygon. These types enable storing various complex spatial objects.
Oracle Spatial API开发指南
在Oracle Spatial的开发中,使用的是面向对象的方式,封装好的一个个类提供给你,易于上手。但需要注意的是,由于使用了COM机制,这会对性能产生影响。这两种接口都是Oracle的专用接口,若需数据库可移植性,则不应使用这些专用接口。
Oracle10g Spatial教程详解
深入解析Oracle10g Spatial的使用方法和技巧,帮助用户快速掌握空间数据库的开发与管理。从基础到高级应用,全面覆盖数据库空间功能的实际应用场景和案例分析。
随着技术的进步,ORACLE SPATIAL在空间数据处理和管理中发挥了关键作用。档为用户提供详尽的操作指南和实用参考,帮助您高效利用ORACLE SPATIAL进行空间数据管理和分析。
Digital Image Processing Spatial Domain Filtering and Smoothing
ArcSDE与Oracle Spatial的功能与定位比较
ArcSDE和Oracle Spatial在空间数据管理和地理信息系统中扮演着不同的角色和定位。