1. Prepare System Requirements

Ensure that your Enterprise Linux 5 system meets the hardware and software requirements for Oracle 11g. This includes having a supported version of the operating system, sufficient memory, and disk space.

2. Install Required Packages

Run the following commands to install necessary packages:

sudo yum install gcc make binutils elfutils-libelf-devel

3. Set Up Oracle User and Groups

Create a dedicated oracle user and group:

sudo groupadd oinstall
sudo useradd -g oinstall -m oracle

4. Download and Extract Oracle 11g Software

Download Oracle 11g from the official website and extract it into a directory:

unzip oracle11g.zip -d /home/oracle

5. Configure Kernel Parameters

Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file to configure necessary kernel parameters:

kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmall = 2097152

6. Install Oracle Database

Navigate to the Oracle software directory and start the installation using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI):

cd /home/oracle/database

Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

7. Configure Oracle Listener

Once installation is complete, configure the Oracle listener:

lsnrctl start

8. Complete Post-Installation Steps

Finish the post-installation tasks such as setting up Oracle environment variables and verifying the installation.