Oracle 11g R2 on Linux with ASM (Automatic Storage Management)

Oracle 11g R2 on Linux with ASM is an advanced database management integration, offering automated disk management and fault recovery features. This article provides a detailed walkthrough of installing Oracle 11g R2 in a Linux environment, specifically focusing on ASM configuration.

Hardware and Software Requirements

In this example, the hardware setup includes:

- IBM x3650 M2 server with two Intel Xeon E5405 2.0 GHz CPUs

- 4 GB of memory

- 3 x 146 GB SAS drives configured in RAID0

The software requirements include:

- RHEL5.4 (32-bit)

- Oracle 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure and Database software

- SecureCRT and Xmanager for remote and GUI operations

Setting Up Users and Groups

After the operating system is installed, create Oracle-related users and groups:

1. Users:

- grid: for Grid Infrastructure

- oracle: for Database software

  1. Groups:
  2. oinstall, dba, asmadmin, asmdba — for optimal permission separation and security.

Directory Setup

Create directories with proper permissions:

- /u01/app/grid for Grid software

- /u01/app/oracle for Oracle Database software

Installing Prerequisite RPM Packages

Install required packages to ensure Oracle software compatibility:

- binutils, gcc, glibc, kernel-headers, libaio, sysstat, unixODBC

Configuring Environment Variables

In the .bash_profile of grid and oracle users, set up variables:

- Key variables:


- Example: For grid, set ORACLE_SID=+ASM

Setting Resource Limits

Configure /etc/security/limits.conf to define user resource limits:

# Example Configuration
oracle soft nofile 1024
oracle hard nofile 65536