Oracle PL/SQL Programming 6th Edition by Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl offers comprehensive insights into PL/SQL, covering essential features, best practices, and advanced techniques.
Oracle PL/SQL Programming 6th Edition Overview
title" "Mastering DB2 9 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows - 6th Edition
关于DB2 9 DBA 6th Edition
标题:DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Sixth Edition
IBM Press出品的第六版DB2 9数据库管理系统指南,面向Linux、UNIX和Windows操作系统,适合从初学者到中级用户。内容涵盖广泛知识点,支持读者从基础到深入学习。
书籍的目录包括以下关键内容:- 安装与配置:在不同操作系统上安装与配置DB2 9的具体步骤。- 数据库管理与优化:基础管理概念与性能优化技术,包括索引和查询优化。- 安全性管理:用户认证、访问控制、数据加密等,确保数据库安全。- 高可用性与灾难恢复:备份、恢复和集群策略,确保数据库稳定性。- SQL语言与编程:SQL基础、存储过程、触发器等高级操作。- 新特性概览:DB2 9的新功能解析,适合了解技术趋势。
通过本书,读者可以掌握DB2 9数据库的基本与进阶功能,提升数据库管理技能。
Mastering IBM DB2 9 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows (6th Edition, Nov 2007)
《IBM Press DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 第六版》是关于IBM DB2数据库系统的权威指南,特别聚焦DB2 版本 9在Linux、UNIX及Windows平台上的应用。本书由IBM Press出版,面向数据库管理员、开发人员及IT专业人员,提供深入的技术知识和实践指导。
DB2 9 版本亮点
DB2 9版本引入了诸多创新功能,巩固了其作为强大关系型数据库管理系统的地位。以下为关键特性:1. SQL 标准支持增强:DB2 9扩展了对SQL标准的支持,涵盖SQL:2003标准,增强跨数据库平台代码的可移植性。2. 空间数据管理:支持新的空间数据类型和函数,便于处理地理信息系统 (GIS) 数据,适用于地图服务和物流管理。3. 多维聚类表:允许数据根据多个列进行物理排序,大幅提升复杂分析查询的性能。4. 内存优化表:提供完全存储在内存中的表,提高读取密集型应用程序的性能。5. 自调优内存管理器 (STMM):自动调整缓存大小应对工作负载变化,减轻手动干预。
DB2 9支持多种操作系统,包括Linux、UNIX和Windows,用户可以依据现有的IT基础设施选择最佳平台,实现多环境下的高可用性与性能。
安全机制:DB2 9新增细粒度访问控制、透明数据加密、审计及监控工具,保障数据安全,防止未授权访问与攻击。
本书涵盖了为开发人员设计的工具与资源,包括DB2 SQL PL、DB2 Express、DB2 for z/OS等。这些工具带来数据库编程语言的详解,并包含认证指南与性能优化建议,帮助开发者构建高效、可靠的应用程序。
《IBM Press DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 第六版》是面向数据库管理员和开发者的综合性参考书,涵盖DB2 9的最新特性、开发工具和优化策略。
Mastering Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming
Oracle11g PL/SQL Programming is an essential resource for anyone looking to advance their skills in PL/SQL within Oracle11g. This guide delves deep into programming techniques, data structures, error handling, and optimizing database functions. You'll learn the core PL/SQL concepts and advanced methods necessary to build robust database applications and streamline workflows. Key features include detailed explanations of stored procedures, triggers, and PL/SQL packages, all designed to enhance your command over Oracle databases. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned developers, this book equips you with practical, real-world knowledge.
Mastering Oracle 10g PL/SQL Programming
Oracle 10g PL/SQL programming is a key skill in database management and application development, especially for developers aiming to deeply understand the Oracle database system and efficiently process data. This book, 'Mastering Oracle 10g PL/SQL Programming', is a resource that explores this topic in depth, helping readers master Oracle’s powerful programming interface.
PL/SQL, short for Procedural Language/Structured Query Language, is an extension of SQL for Oracle databases. It combines SQL statements with procedural programming elements, offering a richer set of features and control capabilities. In Oracle 10g, PL/SQL has matured significantly, supporting advanced features such as exception handling, cursors, packages, stored procedures, functions, and triggers.
PL/SQL allows developers to write structured code, including loops and conditional branches. For instance, a FOR loop can be used to iterate over collections, or an IF-THEN-ELSIF-ELSE structure to implement conditional logic. These features make PL/SQL highly flexible for handling complex business logic.
PL/SQL also supports object-oriented concepts like types, object methods, collections, and nested tables, enabling you to define custom data types and create objects with both data and behavior. Additionally, PL/SQL supports overloading, allowing multiple functions or procedures to share the same name but with different parameter lists, providing flexibility in various scenarios.
In Oracle 10g, PL/SQL's performance has been significantly enhanced. The optimizer better handles PL/SQL code, improving execution efficiency. By using PL/SQL cursors, developers can process data directly in the database, reducing the volume of data transmitted over the network and improving application performance.
This book likely covers how to create and manage stored procedures, functions, and triggers—core components of PL/SQL. Stored procedures are reusable sets of SQL and PL/SQL statements that encapsulate complex operations and enhance security. Functions return a single value, often used for queries and calculations. Triggers automatically execute in response to specific database events (like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE), enforcing business rules and data integrity.
Another key feature of PL/SQL is its exception handling mechanism. By using the BEGIN...EXCEPTION block, developers can catch and handle runtime errors, ensuring robust programs. Furthermore, PL/SQL's dynamic SQL capabilities allow for constructing and executing SQL statements at runtime, enhancing program flexibility.
SQL Authority Guide(4th Edition)by Joe Celko
《SQL权威指南(第4版)》英文版是由Joe Celko撰写的一本关于SQL编程的权威指南书,涵盖了SQL的高级应用和最佳实践。本书讲解了基础的SQL知识,并涉及高级主题,如数据库模型设计、数据仓库的管理、异构和自主数据库系统、面向对象的关系数据库系统(ORDBMS)、数据标准化、数据分析、联机分析处理(OLAP)、以及数据挖掘和时间管理等。它为数据库管理员、数据分析师和开发人员提供了一本全面的SQL参考书。书中强调了数据建模的过程,包括实体-关系模型(ER模型)、规范化理论等关键概念。此外,书中讨论了位置信息服务和Web数据仓库的管理,尤其是如何从Web环境中高效地收集和分析数据。它还探讨了时间信息的管理、异构数据库的整合以及对象关系数据库的扩展等重要话题。在数据分析和OLAP方面,书中介绍了如何使用SQL进行复杂的数据分析和设计数据仓库,同时还探讨了信息可视化的技术与应用,确保数据的一致性、准确性和可比较性。
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MATLAB代码教程:掌握用于机器人编程的ROS第二版,使用机器人操作系统设计、构建和仿真复杂的机器人。该书涵盖ROS Kinetic Kame,更新过时概念,并增加新章节。ISBN信息为ISBN-10: 1788478959,ISBN-13: 978-1788478953。
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of Hadoop, providing a detailed exploration of its architecture, components, and applications. This edition reflects the latest advancements in the Hadoop ecosystem, offering insights into new features and best practices. Whether you are a seasoned data professional or just beginning your journey into big data, this book serves as an invaluable resource.
Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming Guide
The McGraw-Hill Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming guide, published in March 2008, provides a comprehensive introduction to PL/SQL programming for Oracle Database 11g. This book is ideal for those looking to gain a deeper understanding of database development, stored procedures, and efficient database management with Oracle’s PL/SQL language. Covering topics from basic syntax to advanced features, the book is structured to enhance learning, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer working with Oracle databases.
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Essential Guide by Feuerstein&Pribyl
Millions of application developers and database administrators around the world use software provided by Oracle Corporation to build complex systems that manage vast quantities of data. At the heart of much of Oracle’s software is PL/SQL—a programming language that provides procedural extensions to Oracle’s version of SQL (Structured Query Language). PL/SQL serves as the programming language within the Oracle Developer toolset, most notably Forms Developer and Reports Developer.